quality. Specifically, in our algorithm we have ob-
tained that message delivery rate decreases linearly
from near 90% to 65% as base lose probability in-
creases from 0.01 to 0.2.
As we have seen, our algorithm outperforms the ref-
erence flooding algorithm in every evaluation crite-
ria. These results are as expected, since we have com-
pared our algorithm to a force-brute algorithm with
no optimization. A flooding algorithm should be very
good in message delivery rate. However, when data
generation rates are high, as it is the case of our ex-
periments, the fowarding of messages results in a net-
work collapse and the message delivery rate (and pos-
sibly latencies) drop.
On the other hand, an algorithm as the proposed in
this paper will optimize the network traffic (and other
parameters, as battery waste). The results we have
obtained confirm this fact.
Currently we are carrying out more experimenta-
tion in order to (a) determine the key parameters to
be tuned in order to improve the performance of our
algorithm, and (b) compare our algorithm to similar
approaches, as the RPL (Winter et al., 2012) algo-
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