tures through SecureUML language which is based on
Role based Access Control Model (RBAC).
Model-based testing has been investigated for
the XACML policy testing (Le Traon et al., 2007;
Pretschner et al., 2008). The approaches proposed
in (Le Traon et al., 2007; Pretschner et al., 2008) are
based on the representation of policy implied behav-
ior by means of models. Differently from these works
model based testing in this paper addresses testing of
the PDP engine. The authors of (Li et al., 2008) ad-
dress testing of the XACML PDP by running different
XACML implementations for the same test inputs and
detecting not correctly implemented XACML func-
tionalities when different outputs are observed. Dif-
ferently from our proposal, this approach randomly
generates requests for a given policy and requires
more PDP implementations for providing an oracle
facility by means of a voting mechanism. Our fo-
cus is to provide an integrated toolchain including test
case generation as well as policy and oracle speci-
fication for the PDP testing. A different solution in
the context of usage control is presented in (Bertolino
et al., 2012b) where the authors provide a fault model
and a test strategy able to highlight the problems,
vulnerabilities and faults that could occur during the
PDP implementation. This solution is specifically de-
signed for PolPA language, then it cannot be used for
XACML PDP testing.
This paper presented a toolchain for testing an
XACML PDP. The main facilities of the proposed
toolchain are: a model-based specification of the
XACML policy, a test suite generation and execution
engine, and the oracle definition. Two different ex-
periments confirmed the effectiveness of the toolchain
for testing a real PDP engine (Sun PDP). Concern-
ing the validity of the experiments, i.e. the amount of
confidence on the reported results, an important key
factor is the employed test set: we used X-CREATE
for deriving test suites, but it is likely that other test
sets may produce different results. In this paper, we
have applied our model based approach for deriving
LMS policy which includes 42 rules. Therefore, big-
ger policies need to be considered to guarantee the
scalability of the proposed approach. For future work,
we plan to extend the Test Archive including XACML
policies having a large number of rules, consider dif-
ferent test suites and improve the toolchain to support
the XACML 3.0.
The authors would like to thank Antonia Bertolino
and Yves Le Traon for their suggestions and useful
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