transmission power PW level 6 provides the better
positioning results with a RMSECV error less than
0.5 m.
Figure 5: Mean positioning error and its standard deviation
calculated on 100 measurement performed for each
position are shown as function of the different power
Figure 6: RMSECV for the different power levels.
Comparing the results of figure 6 with the results
of figure 3 it is possible to note that the parameter N
was maximized by the 6
power level, as expected.
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localization by selecting the most suitable
transmission power has been investigated. In
particular, a simple calibration method that takes
into account also the best transmission power related
to the specific indoor environment has been
presented. The final results have shown that the
mean error in the localization decreases almost three
times respect to the worst power selection.
This research was partially supported by the Flagship
Project "Factory of the Future" FACTOTHUMS of
the National Research Council.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PW level [a.u.]