Figure 2: Time-variant ApTR equalizer block diagram.
3.0.3 Time-variant CIR and ApTR
The ApTR, instead of estimating the CIR only at the
time of a initial probe, estimates the time-variant CIR
along the data frame, making possible to maintain the
impulse-like shape of the Q(t,µ)-function. In such
conditions, the validity of relation (8) is kept and ISI
is mitigated. Under the ideal case, it is assumed that
the estimated (simulated) time-variant CIR matches
perfectly with the observed CIR. However, more re-
alistic approach requires to estimate the time-variant
channel using a suitable method. This question is di-
cussed in subsection 3.1.
Figure 2 shows the ApTR equaliser block dia-
gram. The signal s(t) containing the information se-
quence is transmitted through the time-variant chan-
nel and the received signals are processed in the
ApTR equalizer, such that the sum of the processed
channels generates the ApTR output signal z(t), over
which the coherent demodulation yields the estimated
3.1 Environmental Focusing
A well-known technique that employs acoustic prop-
agation modelling is matched field processing (MFP).
It performs correlations between replicas of acoustic
pressure field from a propagation model with the ob-
served field in a receiver array, aiming to estimate an
specific set of physical parameters. It was firstly pro-
posed by (Hinich, 1973). Generally the searched pa-
rameters aims to solve three classes of problems: pas-
sive source localization, matched field inversion for
geoacoustic parameters and ocean acoustic tomog-
raphy to perform estimation of water column sound
speed profile (or the closely related ocean temperature
field). Important benchmarking in MFP are found in
(Bucker, 1976; Tolstoy et al., 1991; Jesus, 1993; Bag-
geroer et al., 1993).
The environmental focusing method for ApTR
equalisation proposed in this work is inspired in the
focalization technique (Collins and Kuperman, 1991),
used in MFP for source localization. Focalization,
which simultaneously focuses and localizes, elimi-
nates the stringent requirement of accurate knowledge
of the ocean-acoustic environment by including the
environment in the parameter search space. The idea
of environmental focusing in UAComm is to create a
data bank of carefully chosen channel replicas (search
space) that reaches the CIR with best acoustic fitness,
which should update the ApTR filters. Generally, it is
quite difficult to accurately model the ocean channel.
Therefore, to make it a less rigid requirement, it is
used this focusing method aiming to reach the replica
that best matches the observed channel, instead of use
an outdated initial probe. In fact, this method does
not use the initial probe to be performed during the
signal transmission. The method is based in careful
pre-computation (and at large number) of time-variant
channel replicas for a specific restrict area, acting
as a probe-independent process (just as it happens
in MFP). The success in channel tracking using the
replicas data bank strongly depends of how well the
channel variability was inserted in the search space.
For example, it is known that even small changes
in the source/receiver positions cause corresponding
changes in acoustic field that severely affect the de-
modulation of coherent UAComm signals, then the
pre-computed search space must contain replicas that
track such geometrical variability in a fine scale. It
can be expected considerable high computational cost
in this procedure and for that reason it is need at least
a coarse knowledge of the environmental/geometric
physical parameters of the local where the system
is employed. The influence of acoustic propagation
physical parameters must be investigated, because its
understanding strongly contributes to build a suitable
search space of replicas. It should not be deliberately
performed a brute force method for choosing the a
priori sets of parameters aiming to avoid the corre-
sponding huge computational cost. The area where
the UAComm system will be employed must be anal-
ysed, being another basis for reasonable selection of
a priori candidates.
This environmental focusing method proposed for
ApTR equalisation is intended to be investigated and
extensively tested by the author in future work. It
is expected that the well-succeed experience of low-
frequency MFP technique could be advantageously
used in model-based adaptive passive time-reversal
equalisation for high-frequency (i.e., 3–50 kHz band)
underwater communications. An evidence that the
cases are similar also resides in the fact that in both