Figure 3: Observation of reversible transient PD in
PLD thin films irradiated at 593 nm
during 2 hrs. Dotted red line corresponds to pump beam
turn on and blue line to pump beam turn off.
Our experiments clearly demonstrate that TPD is an
instantaneous process, which systematically occurs
during irradiation of (GeSe
PLD thin
films, and is associated with a slower PD process,
corresponding to the metastable part of the
phenomenon. Irradiation of as-deposited films
induces PB, with a higher effective time constant,
which starts after saturation of both TPD and PD.
This phenomenon does not systematically saturate
after 2 hours exposure and its kinetic depends on
fluence of irradiation beam, absorption coefficient of
the film at the irradiation wavelength. Its magnitude
depends also on composition, as for high Sb
content, PB appears to be very weak.
Czech Science Foundation (Project No. 13-05082S),
Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the
Czech Republic (Project CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0058
“Development of Research Teams at the University
of Pardubice“ and 7AMB13FR039) and the CNRS
PICS (Projet International de Cooperation
Scientifique) program financially supported this
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