,-./.-0.123"456"4785" ,-79265":7-6;"
Figure 4: The Memory usage by Sense2Health.
signed as an open platform to enable seamless integra-
tion of available urban/health monitoring solutions by
leveraging ambient and biosensors. We presented the
conceptual design of the platform and the companion
application, followed by a description of a proof-of-
concept implementation with noise monitoring. We
also evaluated the performance of the application in
terms of resource consumption, to better inform fu-
ture enhancements when integrating various sensing
As part of our Future Work, we plan on integrat-
ing biosensors to acquire physical data and provide
further information on the correlation between urban
pollution and the disturbance and harm inflicted on
the user’s health. We also plan on investigating other
pollution use cases, such as air quality and identify
potential enhancements to our platform. Additionally,
we intend on extending our backup server into a scal-
able cloud-based store that can handle an ultra large
number of users, store large volumes of data and pro-
tect user’s privacy. To that end, we are investigating
complementary solutions, such as Microsoft Health-
Vault, which enables users to store and share health
information. Last but not least, we intend to integrate
various domain specific sensing applications to iden-
tity and address potential constraints when various ap-
plications are simultaneously running within our plat-
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