The detection system for signal sources with a given
accuracy without the suspension of activities studied
areas of wired communication networks, as
presented in this paper, will reliably protect the
automated control systems from illegal intrusion by
third parties. It will improve the reliability of such
systems in terms of protection against unauthorised
actions by a third party and internal intruder or
malicious software and hardware.
The system is in its final stage of development.
Soon, the authors are planning to go for testing and
further improvement of the existing functionality.
All tests of the hardware-software complex ‘Shield’
are performed in the enterprises of the National
Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow
Engineering Physics Institute).
In the future the functionality of the system will
be expanded: the unit housing the primary
information processing of the localisation system is
to be covered with a layer of radiation-resistant
material as an additional option. This will reduce the
influence of the exposure to ionising radiation on the
results of monitoring. The layer of radiation-resistant
material applied to the surface of the housing unit
for primary data processing will ensure that the unit
is functional in high background radiation
Also, the authors plan to develop four solutions
from existing design, which will focus on a specific
type of facility and protected systems:
to protect the automation systems of ‘smart
homes’ and some engineering systems
(heating, air conditioning, multimedia control,
fire alarm);
to protect major smart facilities with automated
control systems and a variety of engineering
systems: underground, business centers,
stadiums, filling stations, etc.;
to protect industrial sites with complex
automated control systems of technological
processes: oil and gas, railways, electric and
nuclear facilities, etc. .;
hardware and software security scanners that
can be used to monitor major smart objects and
industrial facilities.
The provided in a paper study can be used to
improve existing ACS security means, eliminating
the vulnerabilities and ensuring more detailed
protection from attackers.
Moreover, this study can be taken in account
during creation and update of the regulations
governing in the field of automated systems`
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