is over 3nm, effective absorption spectrum
will be obviously reshaped. Peak point of the
effective absorption spectrum is deviated from the
absorb spectrum center. In Fig.2, to the situation of
=1nm, 3nm, 6nm, 10nm, peak point of the
effective absorption spectrum is 808.5nm
(0.3369/mm), 808.0nm (0.2575/mm), 807.0nm
(0.2196/mm), 808.5nm (0.1822/mm). In Fig.3, peak
point of the effective absorption spectrum is
808.5nm (0.3410/mm), 808.0nm (0.2489/mm),
807.5nm (0.1994/mm), 808.0nm (0.1625/mm). That
means wider pumping spectrum will induce lower
peak point of effective absorption coefficient, and
this is obvious in the situation of narrow pumping
spectrum. If regards peak effective absorption
coefficient of FWHM=1nm as 100%(808.5nm,
0.3410/mm), it would be 83.0% (FWHM=2nm,
808.5nm, 0.2831/mm), 73.0%(FWHM=3nm,
808.0nm, 0.2489/mm), 66.8%(FWHM=4nm,
808.0nm, 0.2277/mm), 62.3%(FWHM=5nm,
807.5nm, 0.2124/mm), (FWHM=6nm, 807.5nm,
0.1994/mm), 52.3%(FWHM=8nm, 808.5nm,
0.1785/mm), 47.7%(FWHM=10nm, 808.5nm,
is enlarged from 1 to 10nm, effective
uniform region of effective absorption coefficient is
enlarged. To the situation of flattop distribution, and
=1nm, 3nm, 6nm, 10nm, width of 80% peak point
of effective absorption coefficient is 1.0nm
(808.0~809.0nm), 3.0nm (806.5~809.5nm), 6.0nm
(805.5~810.5nm), 8.0nm (804.0~812.0nm),
respectively. To the situation of Gaussian
distribution, width of 80% peak point of effective
absorption coefficient is 1.0nm (808.0~809.0nm),
3.5nm (806.0~809.5nm), 5.5nm (805.0~810.5nm),
9nm (803.5~812.5nm), respectively. Making a
contrast between Fig.2 and Fig.3, 80% peak point
width of Gaussian and flattop distribution is similar.
While, if regard 90% peak point of effective
absorption coefficient as a kind of uniform standard,
to the situation of flattop distribution,
=1nm, 3nm,
6nm, 10nm, width of 90% peak point of effective
absorption coefficient is <1.0nm (808.5nm one
point), 1.5nm (807.0~808.5nm), 2.0nm
(806.0~808.0nm), 3.0nm (807.0~810.0nm),
respectively. To the situation of Gaussian
distribution, width of 90% peak point of effective
absorption coefficient is <1.0nm (808.5nm one
point), 2.0nm (807.0~809.0nm), 3.5nm
(806.0~809.5nm), 6.0nm (805.0~811.0nm),
respectively. It should be pointed out that absorb
spectrum measuring precision is 0.5nm.
Thus it can be seen that pumping spectrum
distribution has obvious impact on global shape of
pumping. The best way to decrease error from
pumping spectrum shape is getting the pumping
spectrum data by experiment.
Figure 4: Measurement result of pumping spectrum to the
side-pumping amplifier.
Figure 5: Effective absorption spectrum calculated from
experimental pumping spectrum.
The experimental scheme of the pumping spectrum
measurement contains three parts which are the side-
pumped amplifier, focusing lens, and spectrometer.
Focal length of the lens is 150mm, and diameter is
25.4mm. The distance between the amplifier and
focusing lens is 910mm. Model of the spectrometer
is AVaSpec-3648 (Avantes Co. Ltd), and it is placed
on focusing point of the lens. A piece of optical filter,
which can absorb 1064nm, and let 808nm laser
transmit is used in front of the receiver of the
spectrometer. Absorption spectrum measurements
result is shown in Fig.4. It is a typical pumping
spectrum, and FWHM of the pumping spectrum is
6.3nm. By the same calculation method, effective
absorb coefficient is distributed to each points, and
effective absorb spectrum is plotted in Fig.5. The