Figure 6: The influence of the position of IB on the
efficiency in the temperature of 1500K.
In the temperatures of 1500K that is shown in the
Figure 6, the maximum efficiency decreases to about
33% and the location of the IB has been changed. The
darker region is limited in this condition and it means
that we have a limit to choosing the best IB position.
Another occurred event is reducing of the band gap of
3C-SiC and its value is 1.7 eV (the dashed line). The
best position of IB for achieving the maximum
efficiency is 0.7 eV upper than the valance band or 1
eV lower than the conduction band.
Efficiency variation with temperature for the sub
band gaps, E
and E
, are shown in the Figure 7. The
efficiency decreases with increasing the temperature.
So at 300K, we have the maximum efficiency that has
been occurred in the 0.71 eV for E
and 1.24 eV for
while in 900K it’s drops to 55% and the value of
and E
is about 0.6 eV and 1.2 eV respectively.
These are due to the variations in the output current
and voltage that results in the variation of the output
power. If the temperature increases the band gap of
semiconductor decreases and the voltage decreases
due to its dependency to band gap but the current has
increases and finally the voltage decrement plays an
effective role in the efficiency decrement.
In this paper, we evaluate the IBSCs based on 3C-
SiC. Our simulation shows that the open circuit
voltage, short circuit current and efficiency vary with
temperature increment. So in the temperature 300K
the efficiency is about 63% and for example in the
temperature 600K the efficiency drops to 59% and
this decrement continues with temperature increment.
In this regard, the open circuit voltage decreases and
short circuit current increases and results in changing
of the output power.
Figure 7: Efficiency versus sub band gaps (E
and E
three different temperatures (blue curve in 300K, red curve
in 600K and cyan curve in 900K).
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