close to the resonator, is very easy due to open
structure of a WGM structure, unlike metallic cavity.
In addition, at microwave range of the
electromagnetic spectrum, whispering gallery
resonators have relatively large dimensions and
therefore, they are easy to handle and manipulate. By
this idea, the structure becomes suitable fore mass
production, because the time consuming part of
manual adjustment is eliminated.
In this paper we have presented the simulation
results and the fabricated ring resonator structure
using PMMA that creates peak resonances in
microwave range. PMMA is considered one of the
best materials to exhibits the lowest loss. Hence high
unloaded Q-factor can be achieved. The gap between
waveguide and resonator is an important factor for the
ring resonator. Since the field distribution is weak in
the middle hole at microwave range, it is not sensitive
sensor if the sample filled the core of the ring
resonator. Placing the sample in the vicinity of the
outer rim of the resonator is not possible, because
there is no limitation for the liquid to remain in the
vicinity. For having got a good perforemance sensor,
it's a good idea to implement a groove at the ring's
surface and near the outer rim of the resonator. This
idea is practical and in the future we will have done
It is known from the waveguide-based optics that
occurring total internal reflection on the border of
core and clad is the basically condition for generating
waveguide structures (Taya. Sofyan, 2014). The
reflected waves interfere constructively with each
other and the modes are formed and propagated in the
waveguide. So the larger RI of the core than the RI of
the clad is an essential condition for confinement of
the wave in the core and formation of the propagating
modes in waveguides.
Waveguide cut-off frequency depends on the
effective RI and the dimensions of the waveguide.
Unlike the slab waveguides, in the rectangular
waveguides, there is no precise formula for wave
propagation in the waveguide. After a simple and
meaningful approximation, has been performed on
the solving Maxwell's equations in rectangular
waveguides, formulas have been obtained and tables
have been presented for a rectangular waveguide
(Marcatili, Enrique, 1969). So the correct dimensions
for a waveguide with predetermined RI are obtained.
It is seen that, by keeping the effective refractive
index constant, as the dimensions become larger, the
cut-off frequency of the waveguide shift to lower
frequencies. The dimensions of the waveguide are
about the wavelength of the propagating mode in that.
So for getting a waveguide at frequency 8GHz the
waveguide dimensions are in the range of centimetre
(cm), because wavelength at this range is about 3 cm.
This is also the case for ring resonator. If the ring
resonator is considered as the curved waveguide,
wave propagation in it, is the same as for the straight
waveguide. The difference between them is that there
are losses due to curved boundaries in ring resonator.
The resonance modes are in the wavelength λ, which
is given by (Sun, Yuze, 2011):
rn m
Where r is the resonator rim,
is the effective RI
experienced by the optical resonant mode, and m is
an integer number. One important parameter is the
distance between resonance peaks, which is called the
free spectral range (FSR). The relation between the
FSR and the radius of the ring resonator and effective
RI is given by (Rabus. Dominik G, 2007):
It can be seen that the FSR have a direct relationship
with square of the wavenumber and an inverse
relationship with the effective RI and the radius of the
ring resonator. So it is expected that if the structure is
at microwave range the FSR would decrease by
decreasing the wavelength.
Achieving a narrowness of the resonance dip in
figure 1 is an important issue in the sensor
applications of ring resonator. The parameter of
importance is the resonance width at half maximum
or 3 dB bandwidth
of the resonance lineshape.
The narrowness of linewidth
is characterized by
the resonator's quality factor. This parameter is a
measure of the sharpness of the resonance. It is
defined as the ratio of the operation wavelength and
the resonance width:
Not too surprisingly, Q can be shown to be
proportional to the number of round trips that
circulating resonant light can make along the ring
resonator. The quality factor can also be regarded as
the stored energy divided by the power lost per optical
cycle. As the detection of the ring resonator based
sensors limit is set by how well one can locate
resonance frequency, the sharpness is important and