scope (Greivenkamp, 2004), the bi–lateral tele–
centric imaging system in photometry (Lenhardt,
2001), as well as the 4–f correlation system in Fourier
optics (Goodman, 1968). In principle all these sys-
tems use the same lens layout: two thin lenses with a
common focus plane. Such a lens layout appears also
in many specified applications like Schlieren photog-
raphy (Settles, 2001) in which the concept of angular
domain filtering is implicitly employed.
It is well known that with coherence light il-
lumination, the common focus plane of the above
two–lens–layout, is a Fourier domain (Goodman,
1968) (Jutamulia and Asakura, 2002). This paper
further explicitly points out that, for incoherent light,
the common focus plane is NOT Fourier domain any
more, but an angular domain. In this paper a set of
4 × 4 matrix equations (Eq. 1–4) explicitly describe
the forward transform, the domain, as well as the in-
verse transform.
Based on the above transform interpretation of
thin lenses, it is possible to select and exclude infor-
mation according to its incoming angle. Particularly
selecting the near–zero–angle lights, i.e., placing a
small–aperture stop at the center of the common focus
plane (Fig. 4(a)), the system is a bilateral tele–centric
This paper further points out that, shifting the
small aperture stop away from the domain center re-
sults in non–zero angular domain filtering. Espe-
cially, if two symmetrically angular filtering holes are
used (Fig.4b), the object distance could be measured
from an one–shot image, based on Eq. 7, 8, and 9.
It is not a surprise that an afocal image with finite
opening mask contains information about the object
distance. But to retrieval such distance information
often needs to analyze blurred 2D images. In this
paper the distance information is directly calculated
from lateral separation of sharp signals, rather than
analyzing blur information from input data.
Some questions are still open for future works. At
first, the experiment described in this paper is a quali-
tative one. More experiments should be performed for
quantitative evaluations like the object defocus ampli-
tude, measurement resolution, as well as the system
error function; Second, this paper is limited to the
same scale of geometric optics based on the paraxial
approximation. The measuring accuracy of an object
distance in Eq. 7 and 8 should be further evaluated
since there is a gap between the physical reality and
mathematical models. For instance, the zero–angle–
pass filter in a tele–centric system has a finite aperture
size so that recorded signals are “parallel enough” to
the optical axis rather than strictly “parallel” to it.
Such a gap should also be further addressed for ac-
curacy evaluation; Third, a filter placed in the angular
domain does not only select and exclude signals ac-
cording to its domain position as well as its aperture
shape, but also heavily reduce the energy projected
on the sensor. Digital signal enhancement and ob-
ject detection from a weak energy image should be
also taken into account for designing angular domain
filtering systems.
The author would like to thank Dr. Hexin Wang,
Dr. Christopher Weth, Dr. Matthias Reich, Mr. Ralf
Ebersbach, and other anonymous reviewers for their
valuable suggestions.
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