High Resolution Spectroscopy of Sweeteners
G. Giubileo, I. Calderari and A. Puiu
ENEA, UTAPRAD-DIM, Via E. Fermi 45, 00044-Frascati, Italy
Keywords: IR Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Sugar, Sweeteners.
Abstract: The identification of sophistication in beverage and food products has an increasing role in modern society.
Different techniques are currently used for qualitative assessment of food stuff and beverages. Among them
high resolution spectroscopy shown to be able to identify different types of sweeteners such as fructose,
glucose, maltose, sucrose and aspartame. To this purpose, a reliable, fast and easy-to-use screening method
for the optical characterization of these substances was developed. In the present work the Infrared Laser
Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy was used to record high resolution infrared absorption spectra of common
sugars in the fingerprint region, not previously reported in literature at our knowledge. Spectral data were
obtained by a CO
laser based optical apparatus. These preliminary results are the key toward a further
analysis of sweeteners in a complex matrix devoted to detecting adulteration of commercial fruit juices and
light drinks by low cost sweeteners.
Nowadays the food safety and consumer protection
requirements are to increase the food and beverage
quality and to adopt faster and easier methods for the
quality determination. In the field of fruit juice
adulteration most of frauds are based on the addition
of water and low cost sweeteners to the product. The
chromatographic methods GC and HPLC are
currently used as accurate reference techniques to
successfully determine fruit juice authenticity by
oligosaccharide profiling (Pan 2002). Unfortunately
they are time consuming, expensive and difficult to
implement in an on-line setting (Leopold 2009).
The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)
spectroscopy approach considers the entire sample
composition and is widely used to identify and study
chemicals by measuring vibrational/ roto-vibrational
frequencies of the excited molecules. Absorption
bands in the MIR range are characteristic of the
bonds and functional groups of a molecule, so the
overall spectrum acts as a fingerprint for a given
compound. This made it possible to apply FTIR
spectroscopy to authenticity issues and composition
profiling (Kelly 2005).
In the field of infrared spectroscopy, the high
resolution spectroscopy based on a laser source may
compete with the FTIR spectroscopy in order to
quantify simultaneously the Fructose, Sucrose and
Glucose content in a juice used as authenticity
biomarkers. A laser spectroscopic techniques can
offer a significant chance in detecting specific
spectral signatures of sugars, and organic
compounds in general, at trace concentration.
Among different possible laser spectroscopic
methods, high resolution Laser Photoacoustic
Absorption Spectroscopy (LPAS) was selected for
identification of sugars in the solid phase. LPAS
(Michaelian 2003) is characterized by roughness,
high sensitivity and high selectivity. The LPAS is an
indirect absorption spectroscopy technique based on
the Photoacustic effect in solid, which was
discovered by Alexander Bell in 1880. Bell showed
that when a periodically interrupted beam of sunlight
illuminates a solid in an enclosed cell, an audible
sound could be heard by means of a hearing tube
attached to the cell. The sunlight energy absorbed by
the sample is transformed into kinetic energy in the
course of energy exchange processes. This results in
local heating and consequently a pressure wave is
generated. The sound obtained in this way represents
the Photoacoustic signal. By measuring the sound at
different wavelengths, a Photoacoustic spectrum of a
sample can be recorded. To this purpose, modern
LPAS systems employ the intensity modulation of a
laser beam in order to allow the generation of
acoustic waves in a resonant photo-acoustic cell.
In the present study, commercial standard
samples of sugars (Fructose, Maltose, Sucrose,
Glucose) and sweeteners (Aspartame) were analyzed
Giubileo G., Calderari I. and Puiu A..
High Resolution Spectroscopy of Sweeteners.
DOI: 10.5220/0005336600910095
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2015), pages 91-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-092-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)