modes leak into the cladding producing the so-called
bending losses. Like explained in Padilla Michel, et
al (2012), when the refractive index of the coatings
is lower than that of the cladding, the leaky modes
go back to the core, due to refractive index
differences between layers; therefore, the fibre
seems to be insensitive to bending losses
independently of the E of the coating. However,
when the coating refractive index is higher than that
of the cladding, the leaky modes are trapped in the
coating producing a fibre which is very sensitive to
bending losses. In this condition, the E of the coating
plays an important role in the so-called bending
The authors would like to thank the AiF Projekt
GmbH (project number KF2014158NT3), the
Interne ZV-Cooperation Rome project, for the funds
granted, and Dr. Mohamad Zoheidi for providing the
fibre samples.
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