research stream. Secondly, future research efforts
could try to better understand the efficacy of BMD e
LSA in launching new ventures, and to investigate
how all the relationships between the BMD and LSA
change during the very early stage of life of the
Startups. Moreover, we pave the way to the
investigation of whether the simultaneous application
of the LSA and BMD in the early stage of a new firm
can help entrepreneurs in the exploration of new
opportunities. Other future research avenues should
try to overcome all this study’s limitations by
validating findings in different contexts and
analyzing larger samples for instance. Finally,
according to Kraus and Kauranen (Kraus and
Kauranen, 2009), one of the most promising areas for
future research is the pre-startup planning stage.
Strategic management of an enterprise before and
during the phase of its foundation is a topic of
increasing interest. This includes research on the role
of the business plan in the planning process, another
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