Broadband Negative Refractive Index in the Visible Spectrum
M. Keshavarz, S. Khosravi, A. Rostami, G. Rostami and M. Dolatyari
OIC Research Group School of Engineering-Emerging Technologies, University of Tabriz, Tabriz 5166614761, Iran
Keywords: Metamaterials, Broad Band Metamaterials, Core-shell Nanoparticles.
Abstract: In this paper, a composite medium based metamaterial with random distribution of nanoparticles in vacuum
host to achieve negative effective refractive index in the visible wavelength range is suggested for
invisibility purposes. Our calculations show that structures including single metal (dielectric) spheres and
core-shell structures with metallic core and dielectric shell, which consists two-layer particles with uniform
sizes cannot support negative effective refractive index. For this purpose the structures consist of two-layer
nanospheres with different sizes and fill fraction has been proposed. Since, band width of negative refractive
index is narrow, the three layer nanospheres has been studied and investigated. We show that in this case
with increasing the refractive index of middle and outer layers, negative value of effective refractive index
can be increased. Also, we show that using different sizes of nanomaterials in host medium, band width is
increased. Finally, superposition of three layer spherical nanoparticles with different outer radius and
applied single doped semiconductor spheres, has been proposed. We show that Band width with negative
permittivity and permeability can be optimized.
Nowadays the metamaterials has very interesting
applications such as applications in super lenses and
invisibility and also hot topic for researchers
recently (Cai, Genov and Shalaev, 2005, Cai and
Shalaev, 2010). Although, metals such as silver,
gold and copper can produce the negative
permittivity in the optical range but finding natural
elements with negative permeability is limited to the
hundred gigahertz frequencies (Cai and Shalaev,
2010). In this way different media consists of
nanorods and split ring resonators (SRRs) in order to
achieve negative effective parameters have been
proposed in different wavelength ranges (Cai and
Shalaev, 2010, Zhang, Fan, Panoiu, Malloy, Osgood
and Brueck, 2005, Smith, Padilla, Vier, Nemat-
Nasser and Schultz, 2000). The complex fabrication
methods to produce these media and limitations of
SRRs related to the saturation magnetic response in
the optical wavelength ranges (Zhang, Fan, Panoiu,
Malloy, Osgood and Brueck, 2005) lead to designing
of the media with random distribution of
nanoparticles (Zhou, Koschny, Kafesaki, Economou,
Pendry and Soukoulis, 2005, Dominguez, Tejeiara,
Marques and Gil, 2011) . The random distribution of
nanoparticles also can produce broad band negative
permittivity that it was not possible with the
previous structures. In this paper, we propose single,
two and three layer spherical nanoparticles with
random distribution to exhibit negative effective
refractive index in visible wavelength range. In this
regard first single nanospheres consist of metal (Ag,
Au, Cu, Al…) and dielectric with high relative
refractive index and two layer spherical
nanoparticles which possess of metal core (Ag) and
dielectric shells (Si) with different sizes and fill
fractions will investigate. After that to produce
negative refractive index, we will consider three
layer spherical nanoparticles (such as proposed in
(Dajian, Shumin, Ying and Xiaojun, 2011)). then,
the effect of electrical permittivity of middle layer
and the refractive index of the outer layer on
increasing of the wide of wavelength range with
negative optical parameters has been studied and at
the end structure consist of three layer nanoparticles
with different size and the same filling fraction has
been proposed to broaden the wavelength range with
negative effective permeability. Since, the
wavelength range with negative effective
permittivity is narrow, finally in order to broaden of
this range, we have applied the semiconductor doped
spherical nanoparticles with a proper plasma
frequency and electrical permittivity (obtained by
Drude model) in the structure. To calculate the
effective parameters Clausius-Mossotti relations
have been used.
Keshavarz M., Khosravi S., Rostami A., Rostami G. and Dolatyari M..
Broadband Negative Refractive Index in the Visible Spectrum.
DOI: 10.5220/0005337601130117
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2015), pages 113-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-093-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)