rr:child “K
rr:parent “K
”; ]; ]; ];
The composition of DR6 is created by answering
the question R2RML at the rectangular node Per-
son_ResearchInterests with the help of template T5:
T5: <#Person_ResearchInterests_TriplesMap>
rr:logicalTable [rr:tableName “Person_ResearchInterests”];
rr:subjectMap [
rr:template "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/person/{personID}";
rr:class foaf:Person; ];
rr:predicateObjectMap [
rr:predicate conf:researchInterests;
rr:objectMap [
rr:parentTriplesMap <Concept_TriplesMap>;
rr:joinCondition [
rr:child “topicID”;
rr:parent “topicID”; ]; ]; ] .
Typically, tools developed to support the customized
mapping approach, such as Triplify (Auer et. al.,
2009), D2R Server (Bizer and Cyganiak, 2006) and
OpenLink Virtuoso (2006), do not address design ra-
tionale issues.
The notion of correspondence assertions was in-
troduced in (Vidal et. al., 2005) to define mappings
between instances of source schema to instances of
XML view schema. The RBA tool was developed to
simplify the generation of R2RML mapping and to
help the publication of relational database by using
correspondence assertions (Neto et. al., 2013). The
RBA tool and, in fact, none of previous work on cor-
respondence assertions (Vidal et al., 2014; Pequeno
et al., 2014) considered design rationale questions.
In previous work (Berardi et al., 2013) we devel-
oped a method to capture design rationale for direct
mapping processes.
BA, introduced in this paper, extends the RBA
tool to collect design rationale and to use it to find
links to similar terms in known domain ontologies. It
is the first method to capture design rationale for a
customized mapping process as far as we know.
To improve the transparency of customized mappings
using R2RML, we proposed to couple design ra-
tionale with correspondence assertions. With the help
of a motivating example, we discussed how to repre-
sent this design rationale and how it can help answer
questions regarding the awareness of the possible
transformations that the published data suffered. By
consuming the final design rationale captured, it is
possible to observe the transformation of the data
from their original format in the database, until their
final format as an exported ontology, SQL views and
R2RML mappings.
We discussed how to use design rationale for
transparency and maintenance purposes. We also ar-
gued that design rationale may help address interop-
erability issues by creating an enriched exported on-
tology. The design rationale captured may help new
users use R2RML mappings by observing how the
mapping process of the original data was imple-
mented. He or she can learn different situations where
R2RML is used in a convenient way.
As for future work, we plan to extend the method
proposed in this paper to capture the design rationale
of complex correspondence assertions (Pequeno et.
al., 2014). We also plan to simplify the design ra-
tionale model, in this specific case, by making it
closer to the syntax of the complex correspondence
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