• Identification of features and sublanguage struc-
tures that are associated to clinical concepts, such
as homelessness and psycho-social factors.
• Discovery of phrases and terms associated to the
clinical domain.
• Minimizing supervised learning in lexicon build-
• Provide a standardized ontology based semantic
lexicon for interoperability and improved NLP
• Allow re-use of the ontology based semantic lexi-
con in more than one natural language processing
• Enabling maintainability, where new items could
be added to the semantic lexicon in a consistent
In addition to promote semantic interoperability
for NLP applications, this research study has also re-
vealed practical implications for the VA. A sugges-
tion for future study would be to determine accu-
rate estimates of patients from secondary use of EHR
data. For instance, a practical implication would be to
study the extent of homeless Veterans among different
VISNS and refined estimates of homelessness could
be established. Above all, the proposed methodology
could be an opportunity to standardize the terminol-
ogy related to homelessness in different VA medical
facilities around the country.
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