(semantics), data structuring (syntax) and the data
restriction rule.
With the four levels of concern as a basis, a new
conceptual barriers framework was developed. It
included the general conceptual barriers to enterprise
interoperability, and introduced the concepts of
horizontal and vertical interoperability. Concepts at
the same level of abstraction in two organisational
entities need to be similar in semantics and syntax if
they are not to be barriers. This is the horizontal
direction. Apart from that, concepts also need to be
interoperable along a vertical dimension because
they are interrelated by default. Data is used by
Services to support processes that carry out the
business of an enterprise, so different semantics
and/or syntax would cause interoperability problems
within the organisational entity. The last element
added was the expressivity, i.e. how information is
communicated for understanding.
The proposal has been validated in a case study
of multi-organizational software development at the
business network of DEKRA Certification.
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these barriers. We need to identify the problem with
the aim of being able to tackle it
Future research lines can be to analyze how the
interoperability levels of concern identified in the
framework relate to maturity levels of
interoperability, identify whether horizontal and
vertical interoperability barriers are interrelated and
thus affect each other.
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