cation domains in which linguistic descriptions may
prove useful, but are mainly focused on research-
ing a preliminary linguistic description generic model
based on our previous experience. We have also re-
cently explored the current state of the art in both nat-
ural language generation systems and linguistic de-
scriptions of data in order to ascertain the role that
generic LDD approaches (and thus our model) could
play integrated into NLG systems (Ramos-Soto et al.,
We intend to provide a model which can be di-
rectly used in practical cases but can also be formally
described, thus maintaining both the theoretical and
practical aspects of the Ph.D. objectives. Our aim is
that this model can create linguistic descriptions from
heterogeneous data-sets, although at first we will fo-
cus on time series data. We expect to further extend
this model to support data with spatial components
and also to include new concepts and capabilities as
new practical problems arise.
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tion of linguistic descriptions using meta-heuristic ap-
proaches. This is a task which has been scarcely ex-
plored (Castillo-Ortega et al., 2011b) and which may
prove useful in the sense of providing a general algo-
rithm for creating linguistic descriptions. This could
also be one of the possible extensions to our model.
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