Using Technical-Action-Research to Validate a Framework for Authoring
Software Engineering Methods
Miguel Morales-Trujillo
, Hanna Oktaba
and Mario Piattini
KUALI-KAANS Research Group, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico
Alarcos Research Group, University of Castilla – La Mancha, Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
TAR, SEMAT, OMG, Case Studies, Evidence-based, Validation, Software Engineering.
The validation of proposals has become a fundamental part of the creation of knowledge in Software Engi-
neering. Initiatives like SEMAT have highlighted the need to base the correctness, usefulness and applicability
of Software Engineering theories and practices on solid evidence. This paper presents the validation process
used for KUALI-BEH, a proposal that became part of an OMG standard. The validation strategy applied was
the result of integrating Technical-Action-Research and Case Study methods. After three years of work, we
can conclude that TAR is a valuable research method, emphasizing that the main advantages of Technical-
Action-Research are continuous feedback and the validation of an artifact, in this case KUALI-BEH, in a real
Software Engineering is one of the most knowledge
intensive disciplines (Edwards, 2003; Bjørnson and
Dingsøyr, 2008). However, this particular field con-
tains many proposals or theories that have no theoret-
ical rigorousness and have not been adequately vali-
dated in practice.
According to (Johnson et al., 2012) most of these
theories are not subject to serious academic discus-
sion; they are not evaluated or compared as regards
traditional criteria of theoretical quality such as con-
sistency, correctness, comprehensiveness, and preci-
As (Jacobson et al., 2012) stated “Software Engi-
neering is afflicted by a lack of credible experimental
evaluation and validation”. The behavior of the disci-
pline is not that which is desired, thus motivating the
need to transform it and to build theories around it, to
understand it, and more importantly, generate proven
The above fostered the origin of the Software En-
gineering Method and Theory (SEMAT) initiative in
2009, in the form of a call for action to refound Soft-
ware Engineering. Many prominent members of the
Software Engineering community become signatories
and supported the process that would be used to base
Software Engineering on “solid theory, proven prin-
ciples and best practices” (Jacobson et al., 2009).
Since then, the call for action has been trans-
formed into a standardization process that was backed
by the Object Management Group (OMG) through the
Foundation for the Agile Creation and Enactment of
Software Engineering Methods Request for Proposals
(FACESEM RFP) (OMG, 2011), and which two years
later crystallized into a standard: ESSENCE Ker-
nel and Language for Software Engineering Methods
(OMG, 2013).
In the context of FACESEM, our research group
has actively responded to the RFP by creating a pro-
posal named KUALI-BEH (Morales-Trujillo et al.,
2014b), which later became part of the ESSENCE
specification after completing the standardization pro-
cess, which is presented in detail in (Morales-Trujillo
et al., 2014c).
In order to validate KUALI-BEH and evaluate its
usefulness we have, over the last two years, developed
a collaborative workshop and three case studies. The
objective of this paper is to present the process applied
to validate KUALI-BEH.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents a general background to the research meth-
ods in Software Engineering, focusing on those which
are most relevant for the purpose of this paper. Sec-
tion 3 describes the research strategy applied to create
and validate KUALI-BEH. Sections 4 and 5 show the
Collaborative Workshop and the Family of three Case
Studies. The lessons learned are presented in Section
Morales-Trujillo M., Oktaba H. and Piattini M..
Using Technical-Action-Research to Validate a Framework for Authoring Software Engineering Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0005338800150027
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 15-27
ISBN: 978-989-758-097-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
6, while the paper concludes in Section 7.
Software Engineering requires both theoretical and
empirical research. The former focuses on foun-
dations and basic theories of software engineering,
whilst the latter concentrates on fundamental princi-
ples, tools/environments, and best practices (Wang,
As mentioned by (Harrison et al., 1999), Software
Engineering should have strong foundations as a sci-
entific and engineering discipline. This implies that
validation processes must be sufficiently mature to
provide evidence that will support its advances. One
alternative that can be used to achieve this goal is that
of empirical software engineering since, according to
(Belady and Lehman, 1976), this type of research pro-
vides the opportunity to build and verify its theories.
In Software Engineering, the validation must al-
ways involve scaling up to practice, which means that
successive tests take place under increasingly realis-
tic conditions (Wieringa, 2014). No matter what its
form, the essence of an empirical study is the attempt
to learn something useful by comparing theory to re-
ality and to improve our theories as a result (Perry
et al., 2000).
According to (Wang, 2007) and (Genero et al.,
2014), the primary methods used for empirical stud-
ies in Software Engineering encompass: Experi-
ments (Wohlin et al., 2012), Surveys (Kitchenham
and Pfleeger, 2008), Case Studies (Yin, 2009; Rune-
son et al., 2012), Action-Research (Medeiros and
Horta-Travassos, 2011), Systematic Literature Re-
views (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007) and Stan-
More than one method was considered for the val-
idation of KUALI-BEH, and for the purposes of this
paper, the most relevant research methods are there-
fore described in the following subsections.
2.1 Technical-Action-Research Method
Technical-Action-Research (TAR) is an approach that
is used to validate new artifacts under conditions of
practice (Wieringa and Moralı, 2012). In TAR the re-
searcher uses an artifact in a real world project to help
a client, or gives the artifact to others to use them in a
real world project (Engelsman and Wieringa, 2012).
TAR can be seen as a research method that starts
from the opposite side of traditional research meth-
ods. TAR starts with an artifact, and then tests it un-
der conditions of practice by using it to solve concrete
problems (Wieringa and Moralı, 2012).
In this method the researcher first develops the ar-
tifact, then tests it in a hypothetical situation in a lab-
oratory and later scales it to be tested in real world
situations, from an idealized context to the real one.
In technical disciplines, prototypes of artifacts are
first tested in the idealized conditions of the labora-
tory, and these conditions are gradually relaxed after
each iteration until a realistic version of the artifact
is tested in a realistic environment, thus allowing the
technical scientist to develop knowledge about the be-
havior of artifacts in practice (Wieringa and Moralı,
These iterations are called engineering cycles
(Wieringa and Moralı, 2012) or regulative cycles
(Van Strien, 1997). In the engineering cycle an im-
provement problem is investigated, a treatment with
which to solve the problem is then designed and vali-
dated, its improved version is later implemented, and
finally the experience with the implementation is eval-
uated and the cycle is executed again (Wieringa and
Moralı, 2012).
Each engineering cycle is composed of four steps:
1. Problem Investigation: during this step the
stakeholders, their goals and the improvement
problem are identified.
2. Treatment Design: during this step the re-
searcher designs the artifact that will be used as
a treatment in the problem context.
3. Design Validation: after the artifact has been de-
signed, the researcher states the expected effects,
expected value, trade-offs and sensitivity.
4. Treatment Implementation and Evaluation:
this step involves the insertion of the artifact into
the real world. The artifact has to be validated and
the researcher has to evaluate the resulting effects.
TAR is based on the assumption that what the
researcher learns in this particular case will provide
lessons learned that will be usable in the next case
(Wieringa and Moralı, 2012). The expected result
from TAR is the validation of the proposed artifact in
the specified context, thus satisfying the stakeholders’
needs and giving it value.
2.2 Case Study Research Method
A case study is an intensive investigation and analy-
sis of a particular technology, project, organization,
or environment based on information obtained from a
variety of sources such as interviews, surveys, docu-
ments, test or trial results, and archival records (Wang,
2007). Wang establishes that case studies link a the-
ory to practice, which allows conclusions to be drawn
about the suitability of a given method for real world
problems at industrial scales (Wang, 2007).
A case study is, according to (Yin, 2009) an em-
pirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phe-
nomenon in depth and within its real-life context, es-
pecially when the boundaries between phenomenon
and context are not clearly evident.
The essence of a case study, the central tendency
among all types of case study, is that it tries to illu-
minate a decision or set of decisions: why they were
taken, how they were implemented, and with what re-
sult (Schramm, 1971).
Case studies may be used to validate a theory or
method by means of empirical tests. They are also
useful as regards providing a counter instance for a
generally accepted principle. However, the drawback
of case studies as an empirical method in Software
Engineering is the difficulties of data collection and
the generalization of findings via limited cases, par-
ticularly when they are positive but non-exhaustive
(Wang, 2007).
According to (Runeson et al., 2012) the differ-
ences between Software Engineering study objects
rely on the fact that: (i) they are entities that develop
software rather than using it; (ii) they are project-
oriented rather than function oriented organizations;
and (iii) the work studied is advanced rather than rou-
tine engineering. The generic phases of a case study
described by (Runeson et al., 2012) are:
1. Case Study Design: objectives are defined and
the case study is planned.
2. Preparation for Data Collection: procedures
and protocols for data collection are defined.
3. Collecting Evidence: data collection procedures
are executed on the studied case.
4. Analysis of Collected Data: data analysis proce-
dures are applied to the data.
5. Reporting: the study and its conclusions are
packaged in feasible formats for reporting.
The research strategy used to validate KUALI-BEH
was guided by the integration of TAR and Case Study
methods. The TAR method was applied as a frame-
work in which the evaluation during engineering cy-
cles was carried out by applying the Case Study
The research process consisted of five engineer-
ing cycles (see Figure 1). The validation of these
engineering cycles was carried out by means of case
studies primarily developed in real world software de-
velopment organizations. The artifact was also in-
serted in circles formed of practitioners and experts
from academy and industry, such as a collaborative
academy-industry workshop and the OMG Analysis
and Design Task Force in charge of developing IT
The first engineering cycle (from August 2011
through February 2012) consisted of identifying the
common concepts used in the context of a software
project and was carried out using a literature review.
During the second engineering cycle (from March
through August 2012), an initial version of the arti-
fact was released and validated by means of a col-
laborative workshop, whose participants were active
Software Engineering practitioners, Master’s degree
students and researchers from the discipline.
The third engineering cycle was developed from
September through December 2012. A first case
study was carried out during these months in which
an improved version of the artifact was validated in
a Mexican enterprise in charge of software develop-
ment and hardware construction. The artifact was also
evaluated by the OMG task force.
During the fourth cycle (January through July
2013), improvements and lessons learned from the
previous cycle were applied to the artifact. It was also
used in a second case study, which took place in an en-
tity that specializes in requirements specification and
software projects design.
During the fifth and the last engineering cycle,
which took place between August 2013 and April
2014, the artifact was enriched and an Authoring
Extension was designed, which now belongs to the
ESSENCE OMG formal specification. At that point
the artifact was newly validated by the OMG task
force, while a third case study was simultaneously
carried out in a very small entity in charge of software
A detailed and in-depth description of the valida-
tion of the artifact is presented in Sections 4 and 5.
KUALI-BEH was validated by means of a collabora-
tive workshop attended by active practitioners from
industry and academy. This section presents a de-
tailed description of this workshop.
Figure 1: Engineering cycles of the applied research process.
4.1 Problem Investigation
The propositions of the study were focused on the
pertinence, appropriateness and proficiency of the
KUALI-BEH common concepts. These propositions
were evaluated by asking the following questions:
Are the common concepts pertinent?
Are the definitions of the common concepts ap-
Are the definitions of the common concepts simi-
lar to real world usage?
Are the common concepts proficient?
These questions helped us to support the decisions
made during the acceptance/rejection process carried
out during the identification phase.
4.2 Artifact Design
The artifact to be validated by means of the workshop
was the first version of KUALI-BEH, which was the
output of the Identification phase of this research, and
corresponded to its first engineering cycle. This ver-
sion was base lined on February 20th, 2012.
4.3 Design and Implementation
The workshop was divided into eight on-site and on-
line sessions. The theoretical components of KUALI-
BEH were presented as follows:
Session 1: Motivation, background and overview
of the framework.
Session 2: The Static view, the definitions of its
20 common concepts and its relationships and the
graphical representation.
Session 3: Method properties and the common
concept templates.
Session 4: The Operational view, the Method En-
actment and the Practice Instance Lifecycle.
Session 5: The adaptation operations.
Session 6: The Operational boards.
Session 7: Putting everything together.
Session 8: Analysis of results and closure.
During the workshop, three approaches were used
in order to obtain feedback from participants: appli-
cation of surveys, direct interaction with participants
during sessions, which included Q&A runs, and direct
observation of activities. “Homework” activities also
helped analyze the understanding of the proposal.
4.4 Evaluation
The data collected during the workshop resulted in a
set of suggestions that were analyzed and classified by
the researchers. After this process, the main improve-
ments made to KUALI-BEH concerned the following
issues: (i) The definitions of terms were enhanced; (ii)
New definitions and operations were added; and (iii)
Operational rules were improved.
4.5 Results
We developed a collaborative workshop to which or-
ganizations and active software engineers were in-
vited. During the workshop we validated the first ver-
sion of KUALI-BEH and we had the chance to try out
its elements one by one.
The feedback received was extremely valuable in-
put with which to improve KUALI-BEH and bridge
the gap between theory and practice. We should
also mention the participants’ active contribution and
involvement which helped establish a confident en-
vironment in which to share opinions and criticize
This collaborative workshop was the closure to
the second engineering cycle and the suggestions ob-
tained served as a first step toward developing an im-
proved version of KUALI-BEH.
In order to prove the usefulness and sufficiency of the
framework and its common concepts, KUALI-BEH
was validated using three case studies.
During each case study the practitioners defined
their actual ways of working using KUALI-BEH,
which is referred to as an authoring project. This sec-
tion provides a detailed description of the case studies
and their respective results.
5.1 General Considerations
The research question for the case studies was defined
as follows:
Is KUALI-BEH suitable as regards defining
practitioners’ ways of working during software
Two more questions also proved to be relevant for
the research:
1. Is the effort of applying KUALI-BEH suitable
when carrying out an authoring project?
2. What is the value obtained by the organization af-
ter having defined its own practices and method?
These questions were used as a basis to define
the objectives (Os) that are common to the three case
studies, as follows:
O1: To demonstrate the sufficiency of the
KUALI-BEH elements in describing practition-
ers’ ways of working.
O2: To measure the feasibility of using the con-
cept of Practice to express practitioners’ tacit
O3: To identify the value obtained by the or-
ganization as a consequence of defining its own
method composed of its own practices.
In order to decide whether or not the objective had
been achieved, the following indicators (Is) were col-
I1: Associated with O1, which was collected ap-
plying two surveys to practitioners.
I2: Associated with O2, which was obtained by
measuring the effort required by practitioners to
document their ways of working.
I3: Associated with O3, which was obtained by
means of an interview during the Feedback step,
in which practitioners expressed the benefits and
drawbacks of structuring their ways of working
using KUALI-BEH.
Each of the case studies is described in more detail
in the following subsections.
5.2 Case Study 1: InfoBLOCK
The first case study (CS1) was carried out at In-
, a Mexican organization founded in 1997.
InfoBLOCK’s main activities involve hardware con-
struction and software development.
Two of InfoBLOCK’s general managers and two
programmers participated in this case study. The pro-
grammers had spent between 1 and 3 years as active
practitioners and reported having played the roles of
Analyst, Tester, Project Manager and Programmer.
5.2.1 Background
Despite the soundness and constant growth of the or-
ganization, its managers were concerned about con-
trolling the progress of projects in a more detailed
way, but they did not have a defined development pro-
cess. The needs expressed by the organization were
To define the actual software development process
followed in the organization.
To be aware of what is being done by the work
team at a particular moment during the develop-
ment process.
The artifact to be validated using CS1 was the sec-
ond version of KUALI-BEH, which was the output of
the second engineering cycle, and had passed through
the Collaborative Workshop presented in Section 4.
5.2.2 Design and Execution
The case study was designed as a sequence of the fol-
lowing seven steps:
1. Presentation of the Case Study
The research team presented the objectives of the
case study to the InfoBLOCK team, after which
KUALI-BEH and its elements were explained.
This step took 90 minutes.
2. Description of Practitioners’ Way of Working
This step was carried out in one work session, dur-
ing which the researcher guided the practitioners
as regards the documentation of their first practice
using the KUALI-BEH Practice template.
This also served to gain an insight into the organi-
zation and identify the individual goals and daily
responsibilities of the practitioners involved in the
case study.
After ensuring that the practitioners understood
how to describe their ways of working using the
concept of practice, the researcher assigned them
activities that they should perform independently
during the next step. This step took 120 minutes.
3. Authoring of Practices
The InfoBLOCK team began the authoring of
practices and the running of an internal project si-
multaneously. Throughout this phase, the com-
munication between the team and the researcher
was carried out by videoconferencing and email.
The team completed the following tasks:
(a) The practitioners documented their way of
working using the Practice template. This was
done before they executed the practice in the
internal project.
(b) The researcher then checked aspects of consis-
tency between the KUALI-BEH concepts and
what the team interpreted.
(c) The researcher later suggested improvements
that could be made to the use of concepts but
not the way of working itself.
(d) Finally, the practitioners discussed the sugges-
tions and then generated the 1.0 version of the
4. Implementation of Documented Practices
Owing to the fact that the case study was de-
veloped alongside a real project, the practitioners
performed the practices almost immediately after
documenting them. This resulted in adjustments
being made to the initial version of the practices,
which were carried out by following the same
tasks developed in the previous step. During the
three weeks of the project, 13 practices were iden-
tified, documented, implemented and adjusted by
5. Composition of a Method
After the practices had been documented, exe-
cuted and adapted, the practitioners proceeded to
compose a method that represented their actual
way of working using the 13 practices created.
The resulting method was then modified to
achieve properties of coherency, consistency and
sufficiency, thus attaining a well-formed method.
The practitioners used the method template and
the graphical representation of KUALI-BEH to
complete this step.
6. Presentation of Results and Feedback Inter-
This step consisted of a session in which the docu-
mented practices and the composed method were
presented to the organization’s members.
During this meeting the researchers collected and
registered orally-expressed lessons learned from
this particular case study, such as suggestions for
improvement, and the benefits and drawbacks of
KUALI-BEH. The InfoBLOCK team also had the
opportunity to think about their actual way of
working and the improvements to be made in fu-
ture projects.
7. Closure
At the phase of closure, the products eventually
generated and the case study report were delivered
to the InfoBLOCK team.
5.2.3 Analysis
At the end of this case study a method composed of 13
practices using KUALI-BEH was documented. Ac-
cording to the initial objectives of this case study the
following results were obtained:
O1. Based on the data collected by means of sur-
veys and practitioners opinions, it was concluded
that the elements of which KUALI-BEH consists
were sufficient to describe the InfoBLOCK prac-
titioners’ way of working during the real project
Moreover, it was possible to observe that the com-
mon concepts were everyday concepts for practi-
tioners, who used them in a natural and straight-
forward manner.
O2. After considering the time and effort required
by practitioners to understand KUALI-BEH, we
were able to conclude that making practitioners’
ways of working explicit in a short period of time
was feasible. Except for the first practice, which
required the researcher’s support in documenting
it, 12 more practices were expressed by the prac-
titioners themselves without having to rethink the
common concepts.
The total effort required was 10 hours, resulting
in an average of less than 50 minutes per practice.
It was also observed that a practice contained an
average of between 3 and 4 activities.
Finally, documenting their way of working al-
lowed the practitioners to identify work products
that were generated during the project. A total of
28 work products were identified and grouped into
9 categories.
O3. The organization obtained the first version
of its actual software development method, al-
lowed its managers to share it with others, and
also planned to use it as the means to train new
employees. More importantly, the managers now
have a means to manage progress and control the
projects using the authored practices, thus making
it easier to distribute and measure the work.
5.2.4 Feedback and Improvements
The most important improvement made to the
KUALI-BEH proposal was the adjustment of the
practice template in order to make it more legible, and
these changes were focused on the visual organization
of its elements.
5.3 Case Study 2: Entia
The second case study (CS2) was developed at Entia
a Mexican IT company that has been present in the
industry since 2003 and has 20 employees. With the
motivation to increase its projects’ success rate, En-
tia developed ActiveAction, a game-centered inten-
sive workshop which allows the organization to carry
out the inception phase of its projects.
The general manager and a coach from Entia and
two assistants from the research team took part in this
case study.
5.3.1 Background
The game nature of ActiveAction and the constant on-
the-fly adaptations had led to a rapid evolution of the
workshop, one of whose consequences was the lack
of documentation related to the workshop, while all
the knowledge and techniques belonged to the people
in charge and not to the organization.
The objective defined by the Entia general man-
ager was therefore:
To document each step of the workshop activities.
The artifact to be validated using CS2 was the
third version of KUALI-BEH, the output of the third
engineering cycle, which involved CS1.
5.3.2 Design and Execution
The generic design of the family of case studies steps
was adapted according to Entia’s context. This case
study was therefore divided into the following six
1. On-site Observation of the Workshop
An on-site observation was conducted in order
to understand the new game-based technique, its
purpose and execution.
It is important to mention that an ActiveAction
workshop takes between 10 and 12 hours, signi-
fying that this step took 720 minutes.
2. Presentation of the Case Study
The objectives of the case study and KUALI-BEH
were explained to the participants. This step took
60 minutes.
3. Description of Practitioners’ Way of Working
This step was identical to that in CS1, with the
difference that the researcher, the general manager
and the two assistants participated in it. This step
took 60 minutes.
4. Authoring and Adaptation of Practices
During this phase the assistants identified the
practices involved in the workshop, completing
the same tasks defined in Step 3 of CS1, with the
only difference that the assistants presented the
practices to the general manager, who suggested
modifications, which were applied and then gen-
erated using the 1.0 version of the practice. Dur-
ing the three months of the project, 19 practices
were expressed by the assistants and were agreed
upon by the game expert.
The challenge of this step was to identify the in-
puts and results of each practice, since Entia used
to manage all of them as one work product: a
mind map.
5. Composition of a Method
Having documented the practices, the method
composition step was a relatively easy task, be-
cause it resulted in the practices being ordered one
after another, like a waterfall approach.
6. Presentation of Results and Closure
This step consisted of a session in which the docu-
mented practices and the composed method were
presented to the Entia general manager.
The main result of this case study was the “un-
usual” method and its practices, which was pre-
sented as a research paper (Morales-Trujillo et al.,
2014a) during the 9th International Conference on
Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software En-
gineering 2014 (ENASE14) which took place in
Lisbon, Portugal.
5.3.3 Analysis
At the end of this case study a method composed of 19
practices was documented using KUALI-BEH. Ac-
cording to the initial objectives the following results
were obtained:
O1. The data collected by means of the sur-
veys and the assistants’ opinions allowed the re-
searchers to conclude that the elements of which
KUALI-BEH is composed were sufficient to de-
scribe the game-based method.
O2. In this case study the required authoring ef-
fort was 26 hours, resulting in an average of 82
minutes per practice. It was concluded that ex-
pressing the workshop practices in a short period
of time was feasible.
O3. The only objective defined by Entia’s general
manager was that of documenting each step of the
workshop activities, and this was fully achieved.
Moreover, documenting the method reduced the
possibility of variation and allowed Entia to iden-
tify ways in which to improve it and, more impor-
tantly, replicate it in affiliates.
5.3.4 Feedback and Improvements
On the one hand, this case study benefited Entia and
allowed it to achieve important business goals in or-
der to remain competitive. By publishing the paper at
ENASE’14 Entia became more visible.
On the other hand, the KUALI-BEH proposal was
improved and its usefulness was demonstrated in a
context in which software development was not the
main purpose.
5.4 Case Study 3: Tic-Tac
The third case study (CS3) was developed at San Luis
Potosi Superior Tech Institute (ITSSLP) in a software
development entity called Tic-Tac. Tic-Tac was part
of the Tech business incubator program. Two pro-
fessors and two recently graduated systems engineers
participated in this case study.
5.4.1 Background
The software development entity was carrying out
projects without having a defined method or process
that could be followed. The objectives defined by the
professors in charge of coordinating the entity were
To document their software development process.
To train new work team members using the pro-
cess defined.
The artifact to be validated using CS3 was the
KUALI-BEH Authoring Extension, which was base
lined on November 12th, 2012.
5.4.2 Design and Execution
In order to satisfy the needs defined by the ITSSLP
team, this case study added another objective to the
three previously defined in section 5.1. The new ob-
jective was established as follows:
O4: To measure the effort required to train a new
work team member using the method defined.
The indicator that would demonstrate whether or
not the objective had been achieved was the follow-
I4: Associated with O4, which was obtained by
measuring the effort required by the practitioners
to train a new work team member.
1. Presentation of the Case Study
The objectives of the case study and KUALI-BEH
were explained. This step took 60 minutes.
2. Description of Practitioners’ Way of Working
The researcher and the ITSSLP team documented
its first practice, as had occurred in CS1 and CS2.
This step took 60 minutes.
3. Authoring of Practices
The ITSSLP team carried out this step in the same
way as that defined in CS1. This step resulted in
23 documented practices.
4. Composition of a Method
After the practices had been documented, exe-
cuted and adapted, the Tic-Tac method was com-
posed. It will be noted that, unlike the other case
studies, the ITSSLP proposed that their method be
divided into phases.
5. Adaptation of the Method
In order improve and adjust the method, some
adaptation operations were applied. The ITSSLP
team adjusted its method using the concatenation
and combination operations defined in KUALI-
6. Presentation of Results and Feedback Inter-
During this step, the documented practices and the
composed method were presented to the ITSSLP
The researchers used a videoconference to collect
and register orally-expressed lessons learned from
this particular case study, such as suggestions for
improvement, along with the benefits and draw-
backs of KUALI-BEH.
7. Closure
The products generated and the report of the case
study were delivered to the ITSSLP team.
5.4.3 Analysis
At the end of this case study a method that repre-
sented the ITSSLP software development entity’s way
of working was composed. The 23 authored practices
and a list of required work products was also gener-
ated. According to the objectives of this case study,
the following results were obtained:
O1. The sufficiency of KUALI-BEH elements
as regards describing the practitioners’ way of
working was confirmed. The results collected
by the surveys demonstrated that it was possible
and appropriate for practitioners to express their
tacit practices using KUALI-BEH, and that its el-
ements are understandable and useful.
O2. In this case study the required effort was 44
hours, resulting in an average of 115 minutes per
practice. The professors in charge of the entity
expressed satisfaction with the effort made.
O3. A software development method was docu-
mented and served as basis for the execution of
the new software projects carried out by the en-
tity. At that moment, two new projects were suc-
cessfully developed and two new members were
trained and integrated into the team.
O4. The ITSSLP followed a seven-step strategy
in order to incorporate two new members, and the
time investment was 7 hours. According to the
professors, the strategy’s success was primarily
related to the participants’ knowledge and skills.
5.4.4 Feedback and Improvements
This case study experience allowed us to improve
KUALI-BEH and its Authoring Extension, and it
more specifically permitted us to better define the
states and transitions of the Practice Authoring and
Method Authoring Alphas.
We additionally confirmed that two of the adap-
tation operations are suitable and have real meaning
for practitioners, although it is still necessary to ver-
ify their usefulness in other projects.
The results of the case study, expressed by the
work team and professors during the feedback inter-
view, were:
“We also think that KUALI-BEH guides the prac-
titioner and causes his/her better participation in
a project”.
“In addition, it will serve to generate a repository
of available methods and practices for different
“Team members can think and rethink about how
they do things”.
5.5 Results
Conducting the case studies allowed us to learn many
lessons, thus permitting us to improve KUALI-BEH
and its validation process. The main lessons learned
from these three case studies and the collaborative
workshop concern the following issues:
A Tool is Required to Support the Practice-
authoring Process. The use of the Track changes
function of the word processor permitted the come-
and-go of authored practices between practitioners
and researchers to become a valuable learning pro-
cess. However, managing the control version strat-
egy of each practice, making adaptations and shar-
ing practices became more difficult processes. At this
point the need for a tool that would automate this pro-
cess became essential
Support from Managers and Commitment from
Practitioners is Necessary. The validation process
is a process that involves many variables that must be
controlled. On the one hand, it requires the organiza-
tion’s interest in the proposal and an understanding of
how it will deal with its particular needs. On the other
hand, the people in charge of applying the proposal
must see benefits reflected in their daily work if bias
and reluctance are to be avoided. A two-level support
from managers and practitioners is therefore manda-
tory, and if either of these levels is not committed, the
case study will not be possible.
Finding Suitable Projects in Order to Validate the
Proposal. It is clear that support and enthusiasm are
not the only ingredients needed to carry out a case
study. The proposal needs to be validated in a real
context and in a suitable project. While the research
team is almost always available and open to the idea
of conducting case studies, the organization needs to
estimate the time, effort and risks of being involved
beforehand, which may lead to time matching prob-
lems between the researcher and the organization’s
Identifying Improvements and Adjustments to Ar-
tifact. The case studies have allowed us to improve
many aspects of KUALI-BEH, thus making it a solid
and accepted proposal that now belongs to an interna-
tional standard.
We were also able to establish that the effort made
(see Table 1) permitted a high ROI for both parties:
practitioners and researchers
Table 1: Effort by step in each case study.
On-site observation - 720 -
Presentation of the CS 90 60 60
Way of working description 120 60 60
Authoring of practices 600
Implementation of practices 390 - 2520
Composition of a method 120
Training new members - - 420
Results and Feedback 60 60 60
Closure 30 30 30
Total effort (in hours) 11.5 27.5 52.5
Practices authored 13 19 23
Authoring effort (in hours) 10 26 44
Average effort per practice 46.2 82.1 114.8
5.6 Threats to Validity and Limitations
In order to avoid threats to validity, various factors
were considered in the collaborative workshop and
the three case studies.
Construct Validity: Multiple data sources were
used in order to provide evidence and respond to
the research question. The sources used were in-
terviews, direct observations, surveys and work
artifacts, thus covering the three degrees defined
by (Runeson et al., 2012).
Moreover, the validity of the construct (or arti-
fact) was ensured since it was created follow-
ing the mandatory requirements requested by the
OMG in the FACESEM RFP. It was also validated
many times by the OMG Analysis and Design
Task Force.
Internal Validity: The case studies’ re-
sults demonstrated that the objective for which
KUALI-BEH was created was achieved, thus al-
lowing us to accomplish our goals and the partic-
ipants’ needs.
Different causal relations were examined:
The surveys’ trustworthiness. The data col-
lected with surveys is closely related to the
practitioners’ experience. In these case studies,
the participants’ experience covered the “ju-
niors” through “seniors” classification.
The number of participants. Although the num-
ber of participants is not large, we can state
that the sample is representative of the profile
of practitioners working in small software or-
The participants’ age, education and expe-
rience. These factors could have affected
whether they were in favor or against KUALI-
BEH. However, the sample of participants was
After having analyzed these factors, all of them
were disallowed, and as a result we have been able
to determine that the implementation of KUALI-
BEH in the case studies allowed us to achieve the
case studies’ objectives.
External Validity: In spite of the limited num-
ber of organizations that participated in the case
studies, we can state that each organization can
be categorized as a typical software developer en-
tity. The three participating organizations shared
the main characteristics of very small entities in
charge of software development endeavors, which
is the target audience of the KUALI-BEH pro-
The selection of the participants was not inten-
tional: the organizations that participated in the
case studies expressed their interest in participat-
It is important to highlight that the methods that
were expressed using KUALI-BEH were the ac-
tual ways of working of active practitioners in-
volved in real projects.
We consequently believe that the sample and the
context of this research were representative. What
is more, thanks to the scopes of OMG and SE-
MAT, the results obtained were contrasted with
researchers and practitioners from other countries
who backed it up.
We therefore conclude that the results obtained
make it possible to generalize about the subject
being researched.
Reliability: The case studies were carried out by
two researchers and the results were constantly
triangulated to third parties, such as colleagues
and members of the research group. The partic-
ipants were additionally informed of the results
and lessons learned, which were and extensively
disseminated in each of the case study reports de-
livered to them.
A detailed plan that served as guidance for the
case studies is also available, thus making its
replication possible.
In order to improve the validity of the case stud-
ies, it was compared with the checklists provided by
(Runeson et al., 2012).
The following approaches were also taken into ac-
The prolonged involvement, mainly in CS2 and
CS3 (3 and 6 months respectively), which allowed
us to develop a trusting relationship with the par-
ticipants, thus making the collection of data an un-
obstructed process and, in general, to develop the
case studies in a pleasant atmosphere.
During CS2 we had two assistants who partici-
pated in the data collection process, thus allow-
ing us to analyze different data sources, such as
interviews, surveys and direct observations. This
circumstance made triangulation possible.
Peer debriefing took place in all three case studies,
owing to the fact that the case studies were carried
out by two researchers. In addition, the findings
and results were periodically discussed with the
other members of the research group.
The work products and documents generated dur-
ing each case study were given to the participants
so that they could review them. This took place at
minimum after the finalization of each step of the
study, but the member checking action was carried
out at any moment if deemed to be necessary.
A version control strategy was defined from the
very beginning of each case study. Given the tech-
nological background of all the participants, the
audit trail mechanism was easy to follow and its
application was very successful.
Finally, the limitations of the case studies can be
summarized in two points:
The sample size is small, which therefore limits
the power of generalization. It is necessary to
replicate the case studies with bigger populations.
Bias in the case studies could have occurred and
been related to the participants’ feeling of being
observed and evaluated. This may have led to an
alteration in their actual way of working.
After three years of continuous work, we can con-
clude that the TAR is a valuable research method for
the purposes of this research. Its application, in com-
bination with case studies, allowed us to validate and
improve KUALI-BEH after each engineering cycle.
The iterative approach of TAR allowed us to ob-
tain continuous feedback about and validation of the
artifact in a real context and these are, in our opinion,
the main advantages of the TAR.
As researchers we had the opportunity to develop
the three roles identified by Wieringa: Designer,
Helper and Researcher. Starting as designers, we cre-
ated an artifact whose objective was to resolve a type
of problems present in the industry. During the en-
gineering cycles we inserted the artifact into organi-
zations which were affected by this type of problem.
In order to apply the proposed treatment, and so act-
ing as helpers, we used the artifact and assessed its
As researchers we later took advantage of the
lessons learned and analyzed the resulting effects, the
value achieved and the trade-offs obtained with the
objective of adjusting and improving the artifact.
Validating the artifact in a real context allowed us
to gain experience and generate knowledge through
the lessons learned which, according to (Endres and
Rombach, 2003), are the principal means of obtaining
knowledge in the Software Engineering discipline
TAR also provided the organizations involved in
this research with benefits. At the end of the case
studies we were able to establish that:
Each organization had achieved the stated objec-
The practitioners had been trained in a new tech-
nology, in this case KUALI-BEH, at no “extra”
The case study results were used to achieve busi-
ness goals, signifying that the artifact was useful
and applicable to their particular contexts.
Collaboration and partnership ties were promoted
between the university and organizations.
Finally, we can define TAR as a research method
which gives researchers a valuable opportunity to
learn and obtain knowledge by applying theories in
practice in order to solve real problems by solving real
The research strategy presented in this paper is the re-
sult of the integration of TAR and Case Study meth-
ods. We took advantage of the engineering cycles,
which were used as the means to create and validate
the artifact in a real context, thus allowing us to mini-
mize the disadvantages of a full empirical study which
can, according to (Harrison et al., 1999), be very dis-
ruptive and time-consuming for the company involved
On the one hand, making the artifact available to
critical reference groups (mainly OMG and SEMAT)
formed by theoreticians and practitioners provided us
with fruitful feedback and a wide range of points of
view. That knowledge became lessons learned, which
were applied during the treatment design phase of
each engineering cycle.
On the other hand, the application of case studies
was meaningful as regards establishing the sensitiv-
ity of the artifact and whether or not it satisfied the
stakeholders’ expected value and the hypothesis of the
present research in a real world scenario.
This research strategy allowed us to generate the
KUALI-BEH framework, guided us through the val-
idation process and helped us achieve the objective
and goals set for this research.
Moreover, valuable lessons related to the OMG
standardization process were learned and reported in
(Morales-Trujillo et al., 2014c).
Finally, we can conclude that the combination of
TAR and Case Study research methods was a success-
ful experience, allowing us to validate and improve
KUALI-BEH in several ways and making us realize
that TAR is a powerful means to bridge the gap be-
tween academy and industry.
This work has been funded by GEODAS-BC
project (Ministerio de Econom
ıa y Competitividad
and FEDER, TIN2012-37493-C03-01); GLOBALIA
project (Consejer
ıa de Educaci
on, Ciencia y Cultura
(Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha) and
FEDER, PEII11-0291-5274); SDGear project (TSI-
100104-2014-4), framed under the ITEA 2 Call 7,
and co-funded by “Ministerio de Industria, Energ
y Turismo (Plan Nacional de Investigaci
on Cient
Desarrollo e Innovaci
on Tecnol
ogica 2013-2016) and
FEDER”; the Graduate Science and Engineering
Computing (UNAM) and CONACYT (M
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