were applied during the treatment design phase of
each engineering cycle.
On the other hand, the application of case studies
was meaningful as regards establishing the sensitiv-
ity of the artifact and whether or not it satisfied the
stakeholders’ expected value and the hypothesis of the
present research in a real world scenario.
This research strategy allowed us to generate the
KUALI-BEH framework, guided us through the val-
idation process and helped us achieve the objective
and goals set for this research.
Moreover, valuable lessons related to the OMG
standardization process were learned and reported in
(Morales-Trujillo et al., 2014c).
Finally, we can conclude that the combination of
TAR and Case Study research methods was a success-
ful experience, allowing us to validate and improve
KUALI-BEH in several ways and making us realize
that TAR is a powerful means to bridge the gap be-
tween academy and industry.
This work has been funded by GEODAS-BC
project (Ministerio de Econom
ıa y Competitividad
and FEDER, TIN2012-37493-C03-01); GLOBALIA
project (Consejer
ıa de Educaci
on, Ciencia y Cultura
(Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha) and
FEDER, PEII11-0291-5274); SDGear project (TSI-
100104-2014-4), framed under the ITEA 2 Call 7,
and co-funded by “Ministerio de Industria, Energ
y Turismo (Plan Nacional de Investigaci
on Cient
Desarrollo e Innovaci
on Tecnol
ogica 2013-2016) and
FEDER”; the Graduate Science and Engineering
Computing (UNAM) and CONACYT (M
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