A Centroid-based Approach for Hierarchical Classification
Mauri Ferrandin
, Fabr´ıcio Enembreck
, J´ulio C´esar Nievola
, Edson Em´ılio Scalabrin
and Br´aulio Coelho
Engenharia de Controle e Automac¸˜ao, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina-UFSC, Campus Blumenau,
Rua Pomerode, 710, 89065-300, Blumenau, SC, Brazil
Programa de P´os-Graduac¸˜ao em Inform´atica, Pontif´ıcia Universidade Cat´olica do Paran´a-PUCPR,
Rua Imaculada Conceic¸˜ao, 1155, Prado Velho, 80215-901, Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Data Mining, Hierarchical Classification, Centroid Classification.
Classification is a common task in Machine Learning and Data Mining. Some classification problems need to
take into account a hierarchical taxonomy establishing an order between involved classes and are called hierar-
chical classification problems. The protein function prediction can be considered a hierarchical classification
problem because their functions may be arranged in a hierarchical taxonomy of classes. This paper presents
an algorithm for hierarchical classification using a centroid-based approach with two versions named HCCS
and HCCSic respectively. Centroid-based techniques have been widely used to text classification and in this
work we explore it’s adoption to a hierarchical classification scenario. The proposed algorithm was evaluated
in eight real datasets and compared against two other recent algorithms from the literature. Preliminary results
showed that the proposed approach is an alternative for hierarchical classification, having as main advantage
the simplicity and low computational complexity with good accuracy.
Classification is one of the most important problems
in Machine Learning and Data Mining. The classi-
fication consists in associating one or more classes
from a set of predefined classes to a not classified ex-
ample (instance) from a database. The features (at-
tributes) of each example will determine the classes it
will be associated with.
The prediction of the functions of proteins is con-
sidered as a classification problem. The set of differ-
ent proteins is considered the example database and
the set of biological functions are the classes which
can be associated to each example. The functions of
the proteins may be arranged in a hierarchical taxon-
omy of classes, so the prediction of these functions is
considered a hierarchical classification problem.
Centroid-based classifiers have been largely ap-
plied in text categorization problems showing good
accuracy with low computational costs due to its sim-
plicity in the representation of the information with-
out to loose the capacity of summarize the main as-
pects present in the training examples.
Based on the wide diversity of hierarchical classi-
fication problems, specific algorithms in this area are
being developed. This paper presents an algorithm
for hierarchical classification that uses techniques of
centroid-based classifiers that is an adaptation of the
centroid-base algorithms used for text categorization.
Experiments with biological data sets were done and
the obtainedresults were compared with two other ap-
proaches- GMNB (Silla and Freitas, 2009)and HLCS
(Rom˜ao and Nievola, 2012) - that were proposed to
explore the same hierarchical classification problem.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents background on hierarchical
classification and centroid-based classifiers. Section
3 shows the related works in the subject of this pa-
per. Section 4 discusses the new proposed algorithms
for hierarchical classification. Section 5 presents the
experimental setup and reports the computational re-
sults obtained with the algorithms proposed in this pa-
per. Conclusions and some perspectives about future
works are stated in Section 6.
This section presents an overview about hierarchical
classification problems and the main centroid-based
techniques that will be used in this work.
Ferrandin M., Enembreck F., Nievola J., Scalabrin E. and Ávila B..
A Centroid-based Approach for Hierarchical Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0005339000250033
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 25-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Hierarchical Classication
A hierarchical classification problem has as main
characteristic a taxonomy that imposes a hierarchical
order between the set of classes present in the dataset.
This order is represented by (C,) that represents a
“IS-A relationship among the classes and is asym-
metric, reflexive and transitive where:
The only one greatest element R is the root of the
C, if c
then c
C, c
C, c
and c
imply c
According to (Silla and Freitas, 2011b), three
main features distinguish the hierarchical classifica-
tion problems. Firstly the type of hierarchical taxon-
omy of classes which may be represented as a tree or
a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Figure 1 represents
both types of taxonomies with a tree - Figure 1 (a) -
and a DAG - Figure 1 (b). In the representation, the
“IS-A relationship states that one instance that be-
longs to the class 2.2.1 also belongs to classes 2.2, 2
and root (R). When the taxonomy is represented as a
DAG the scenario is even more complex because one
class can have more than one parent node, so consid-
ering the representation in the Figure 1 (b) there are
two classes named by 1.2/2.1and 2.2.1/2.3.1that have
more than one parent and as consequence they also
belongs to the classes of all of its ancestors nodes in
different branches of the DAG.
1 2
1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2
1.1.1 1.1.2 2.2.1 2.2.2
1 2
2.2 2.3
1.1.1 1.1.2
Figure 1: Different types of hierarchical class taxonomies.
(a): tree-structured; (b): DAG-structured.
The second characteristic of the hierarchical clas-
sification problems is related to how deep the classifi-
cation is performed in the hierarchy. That is, the hier-
archical classification method can be implemented to
always predict classes that are in the leaf nodes of the
taxonomy - this approach is named as mandatory leaf
node prediction (MLNP) - or the method can consider
stopping the classification at any node from any level
of the taxonomy - approach named non-mandatory
leaf node prediction (NMLNP).
The third criterion considers how the hierarchi-
cal structure of the taxonomy is explored. The ex-
ploration could be local, when the system employs a
set of local classifiers (i.e. one classifier per class is
induced); global, when a single classifier is used to
represent the entire class taxonomy; or flat classifiers
which ignore the relationshipsamong the classes, typ-
ically predicting only classes represented in the leaf
The algorithms for hierarchical classification can
be classified by the three cited features and also by
a additional property that indicates the capabilities of
making single or multi-label predictions. Considering
that the classes are organized by a taxonomy these
capabilities are named Single Path of Labels (SPL)
and Multiple Paths of Label (MPL) respectively.
2.1.1 Performance Measures for Hierarchical
There are different measures used to evaluate the per-
formance of hierarchical classifiers. The most ac-
cepted and used approach is an adaptation of tradi-
tional measures for classifiers known as Precision,
Recall and F-Measure. In the context of a hierar-
chical classification problem, for each dataset the fi-
nal values of hierarchical Precision (hP), hierarchical
Recall (hR) and hierarchical F-measure (hF) are ob-
tained by Equation 1 accordingly to the proposal of
(Kiritchenko et al., 2005). In the Equation 1, accord-
ing to the author we assume that one instance i be-
longs to a set of classes C and will have a set of pre-
dicted classes denoted byC
. The extended sets
C and
represent respectively the classes in the sets C and
with the addition of all ancestors classes of each
set considering the taxonomy.
hP =
, hR =
, hF =
2 hP hR
hP+ hR
Although no hierarchical classification measure
can be considered the best one in all possible hi-
erarchical classification scenarios and applications,
the main reason for recommending the hP, hR and
hF measures is that, broadly speaking, they can be
effectively applied to any hierarchical classification
scenario; i.e., tree-structured, DAG-structured, SPL,
MPL, MLNP or NMLNP problems (Silla and Freitas,
2.2 Centroid-based Classification
Centroid-based approaches have been widely used
in text categorization problems. In a centroid-based
classification algorithm, the documents are repre-
sented using the vector-space model (Salton, 1989).
According to (Han and Karypis, 2000), in this model,
each document is considered to be a vector in the
term-space. In its simplest form, each document
is represented by the term-frequency (TF) vector as
shown in Equation 2, where t f
is the frequency of the
ith term in the document.
t f
= (t f
,t f
,...,t f
) (2)
In addition, the inverse document frequency (IDF)
refinement is commonly used as a renement to con-
sider that terms appearing frequently in many docu-
ments have limited discrimination power, and for this
reason they need to be de-emphasized. This is done
in (Salton, 1989)by multiplyingthe frequencyof each
term i by log(N/d f
), where N is the total number of
documents in the collection, and d f
is the number of
documents that contains the ith term (i.e., document
The tf-idf representation explained above leads
to a representation of a document as represented in
the Equation 3. Finally, to deal with documents
with different lengths the vectors are normalized to
t fid f
= 1.
t fid f
= (t f
d f
),t f
d f
),...,t f
d f
Considering a set S of documents belonging to a
class x represented by it’s tf-idf vectors, a centroid C
is obtained by the average of the terms of the docu-
ments as represented in Equation 4.
d (4)
The classification process consists of to compute
a centroid for each class in the training dataset. If
there are k classes in the training set, this leads to a
set of centroid vectors {C
}, where each C
is the centroid for the ith class. The class of a new
document x is determined as follows. First we use the
document-frequencies of the various terms computed
from the training set to compute the tf-idf weighted
vector-space representation of x. Then, we compute
the similarity between x and all centroids using the
cosine measure as shown in the Equation 5.
cos(x,C) =
||x|| ||C||
Finally, based on the obtained similarities mea-
sures, we assign the example x being classified to the
class corresponding to the most similar centroid. This
test phase is represented by Equation 6.
arg max
)) (6)
Although the centroid-based classifier approach is
considered very simple, it has the advantage that it’s
computationalcomplexity of the learningphase is lin-
ear on the number of documents and the number of
terms in the training set, the amount of time required
to classify a new document is at most O(km), where k
is the number of classes and m is the number of terms
present in x. Thus, the overall computational com-
plexity of this algorithm is very low, and it is identical
to fast document classifiers such as Naive Bayesian
(Han and Karypis, 2000).
In this Section we present the main works in the ar-
eas related to this paper, firstly the works related to
hierarchical classification showing the historical and
mainly works in the subject, and secondly the main
works related to centroid-based classification.
3.1 Related Works in Hierarchical
There are a great number of researches and propos-
als addressed to hierarchical classification problems.
Some of them were created having as base other pro-
posals addressed to text classification or other do-
main. In these works a lot of different approaches
were used considering the built of local and global
classification systems. Bellow the most recent and re-
markable works are presented.
In the paper proposed by (Vens et al., 2008) the
authors developed a hierarchical classification model
named Clus for the DAG structure using the global
approach capable of to make multi-label hierarchical
classification (HMC). In this work the authors also
discuss about two other versions of the Clus proposed
before: single-label classification (SC) and hierarchi-
cal single-label classification (HSC). For the devel-
opment of these classifiers the authors used the in-
duction of decision trees firstly supporting only tax-
onomies represented by a tree and after showed how
this model can be modified for use in hierarchical
DAG structures. For the induction of decision trees
a framework named predictive clustering trees (PCT)
(Blockeel et al., 1998) was used. The PCT views a
decision tree as a hierarchy of clusters: the top-node
corresponds to one cluster containing all data, which
is recursively partitioned into smaller clusters while
moving down the tree. PCTs are constructed so that
each split maximally reduces intra-cluster variance.
In the work of (Silla and Freitas, 2009)the authors
proposed a method that is an extension of the flat clas-
sification algorithm naive Bayes adapted to hierarchi-
cal classification. The author compared the results of
a local and two global version of the algorithm using
biologic data for protein’s functions prediction. The
results of the global approach named Global Multi-
label Naive Bayes (GMNB) will be compared with
the methods proposed in this work. Lately in the work
(Silla and Kaestner, 2013) the authors also evaluated
the GMNB performance in a different domain to pre-
dict bird species with the presence of a taxonomy of
The proposal of (Rom˜ao and Nievola, 2012)
adapted Learning Classifier Systems (LCS) in order
to predict protein functions. The proposed approach,
called HLCS (Hierarchical Learning Classifier Sys-
tem) builds a global classifier to predict all classes in
the application domain and its is expressed as a set of
IF-THEN classification rules.
A lot of different techniques were tested in dif-
ferent models and among then stand out: a model
named Multi-Label Hierarchical Classification with
an Artificial Immune System (MHC-AIS) that gen-
erates rules IF-THEN and two main versions were
presented exploring both local and global approaches
(Alves et al., 2008); the use of optimization based on
ant colony to predict classes in problems of hierarchi-
cal classification (Otero et al., 2010).
A global method called Grammatical Evolution
for Hierarchical Multi-label classification (GEHM)
was proposed in (Cerri et al., 2013). The approach
makes use of grammatical evolutionfor generating hi-
erarchical multi-label classification rules. In this ap-
proach, the grammatical evolution algorithm evolves
the antecedents of classification rules, in order to as-
sign instances from a hierarchical multi-label classi-
fication dataset to a probabilistic class vector. The
method is comparedto bio-inspiredalgorithmsin pro-
tein function prediction datasets. The empirical anal-
ysis conducted in the work showed that GEHM out-
performs the bio-inspired algorithms with statistical
significance, suggesting that grammatical evolution
is a promising alternative to deal with hierarchical
multi-label classification of biological datasets.
The authors of (Barros et al., 2013) developed
a hierarchical multi-label classification algorithm
for protein function prediction, named Hierarchical
Multi-label Classification with Probabilistic Cluster-
ing (HMC-PC) that was based on probabilistic clus-
tering making use of cluster membership probabil-
ities in order to generate the predicted class vector.
An extensive empirical analysis was performed com-
paring the proposed approach to four different hier-
archical multi-label classification algorithms in pro-
tein function datasets structured both as trees and
DAG. The presented results showed that HMC-PC
achieves superior or comparable results when com-
pared to the state-of-the-art method for hierarchical
multi-label classification.
Finally, (Ferrandin et al., 2013) presented an algo-
rithm for hierarchical classification using the global
approach, called Hierarchical Multi-label Classifier
System using Formal Conceptual Analysis and Sim-
ilarity of Cosine (HMCS-FCA-SC) for hierarchical
multi-label classification. The proposed algorithm
combined FCA techniques for hierarchical classifica-
For more content about hierarchical classifica-
tion and related works we suggest the survey pro-
posed by (Silla and Freitas, 2011b) with a large re-
view about hierarchical classification demonstrating
the major theories about the subject, classifying the
algorithmsand proposinga standard nomenclaturefor
classify the works in this field or research.
3.2 Related Works in Centroid-based
The initial adoption of a centroid-based classifier was
in informationretrievaland text classification with the
work of (Rocchio, 1971). A centroid-based classifier
when applied to text classification using tf-idf vectors
to represent documents is known as the Rocchio clas-
In (Han and Karypis, 2000) experiments with text
categorization showed that the centroid-based clas-
sifier outperformed other algorithms such as Naive
Bayesian, k-nearest-neighbours, and C4.5, on a wide
range of datasets. The analysis showed that the sim-
ilarity measure used by the centroid-based scheme
allows it to classify a new document based on how
closely its behaviour matches the behaviour of the
documents belonging to different classes.
A method to improve the centroid-based classi-
fication accuracy was proposed by (Theeramunkong
and Lertnattee, 2001) considering a number of
statistical term weighting systems based on term-
distribution, including factors of intra-class, inter-
class, overall term frequency distribution and term
length normalization. A number of experiments us-
ing drug information web pages and newsgroups data
set were done. The results showed that the method
outperforms standard tf-idf centroid-based, k-nearest
neighbor and naive Bayesian classifiers to some ex-
(Tibshirani et al., 2002) used a centroid-based
classifier to cancer class prediction from gene expres-
sion profiling. The method called nearest shrunken
centroids identifies subsets of genes that best charac-
t fid fic
= (t f
d f
t fic
t f
),t f
d f
t fic
t f
),...,t f
d f
t fic
t f
)) (7)
terize each class. The method was highly efficient in
finding genes for classifying small round blue cell tu-
mors and leukemias.
The authors of (Enembreck et al., 2006) used a
centroid-based approach for identifying people who
have the most appropriate competencies to form a
research and development team. The selection was
done through the analysis of the curriculum vita of
the candidate researchers.
For (Tan, 2008), in the context of text categoriza-
tion, centroid-based classifiers proved to be a sim-
ple and yet efficient method but it often suffers from
the inductive bias or model misfit incurred by its as-
sumption. In order to address this issue, the author
proposed a novel batch-updated approach to enhance
the performance of centroid-based classifiers. The
main idea behind this method is to take advantage of
training errors to successively update the classifica-
tion model by batch. The technique is simple to im-
plement and flexible to text data. The experimentalre-
sults indicate that the technique can significantly im-
prove the performance of centroid-based classifiers.
A fast Class-Feature-Centroid (CFC) classifier for
multi-class, single-label text categorization in which
a centroid is built from two important class distri-
butions: inter-class term index and inner-class term
index was proposed by (Guan et al., 2009). CFC
proposes a novel combination of these indexes and
employs a denormalized cosine measure to calculate
the similarity score between a text vector and a cen-
troid. Experimentsshowed that CFC consistently out-
performedthe state-of-the-artSVM classifiers is more
effective and robust than SVM when data is sparse.
Considering the centroid-based techniques employed
for text classification demonstrated in the Section 2.2
an adaptation was made allow them to deal with hier-
archical classification. In a first moment only the tf-
idf for weighting the attributes was used and this clas-
sifier was named Hierarchical Centroid-Based Classi-
fier System (HCCS) and is showed in Algorithm 1.
Every instance in the training partition receives
the same treatment of a document in the text classi-
fication process so every attribute of the instance is
weighted using the tf-idf (line 3) using the Equation
3. To deal with the relationships among the classes,
every instance vector was added to the centroid vec-
tors of all classes it belongs to regarding the taxon-
Algorithm 1: HCCS.
Require: The sets of instances for: training TR, testing
TE; The class taxonomy H;
1: Initialize a set of centroids for the classes in H;
2: foreach (tr
TR) do
3: Represent tr
attributes as tf-idf vector trv
4: Add trv
to the centroid of the class it belongs
and to the centroides of its descendants
in H;
5: end for
6: Compute the average for all centroids;
7: foreach (te
TE) do
8: Represent te
attributes as tf-idf vector tev
9: Find the centroid most similar to tev
10: Predict the class of the chosen centroid to te
11: end for
12: Compute the results of classification process;
omy, e.g. the class that is explicitly assigned to the in-
stance and all ancestors in the taxonomy. By this way,
the centroid of one parent class will be the average of
the centroids of all its children classes (line 4) and the
instances directly assigned to this parent class. The
average of the centroids (line 6) is computed using
Equation 4.
The testing phase of the HCCS consists in to find
the most similar centroid for every test instance, the
selection (line 9) is done according to Equation 6. Fi-
nally the classifier hits and misses are computed (line
12) through the measures hP, hR and hF respectively
showed in the Equation 1.
An improved version of HCCS named HCCSic
(with ic meaning intra-class) was created adapting tf-
idf weighting of the attributes to consider the intra-
class attribute frequency. This variant version uses
the same steps represented in the Algorithm 1 except
for the line 3 where the weighting of attributes was
done as shown in Equation 7, where the t fic
is the
frequency of the attribute i in all training instances
belonging to the same class of the instance d.
The main intention with the use of the intra-class
frequency in the HCCSic is to weight the attributes
considering its frequency among the instances of the
same class. Summarizing, one attribute that is very
frequent among all instances of the same class will
have a bigger weight.
In this Section the experimental evaluation realized
with the proposed algorithm is presented along with
Table 1: Results obtained by HCCS and HCCSic compared with HLCS (Rom˜ao and Nievola, 2012) and GMNB (Silla and
Freitas, 2009) algorithms.
Protein Signature HCCS HCCSic HLCS GMNB
Type Type hP hR hF hP hR hF hP hR hF hP hR hF
Interpro 79.76 83.00 81.35 88.63 92.26 90.55 87.80 85.36 86.56 94.96 89.58 90.53
Pfam 74.73 78.61 76.62 86.75 90.95 88.80 86.34 81.47 83.83 95.15 86.94 88.72
Prints 76.41 79.80 78.07 82.87 86.22 84.51 89.69 82.33 85.85 92.21 87.26 87.98
Prosite 79.17 82.69 80.90 87.31 91.27 89.24 90.35 86.27 88.26 95.14 89.53 90.70
Interpro 70.33 75.30 72.71 71.04 74.49 72.72 90.26 74.30 81.51 87.60 71.33 77.01
Pfam 48.50 55.00 51.54 44.60 51.81 47.93 82.53 60.30 69.69 77.23 57.52 64.40
Prints 67.14 73.21 70.04 68.27 73.07 70.59 86.50 68.18 76.26 87.06 69.42 75.38
Prosite 46.86 52.65 49.59 42.14 47.32 44.58 79.42 60.45 68.65 75.64 53.73 61.14
the used datasets. Also, the directly and statistical
comparisons of results against other algorithms from
the literature is demonstrated.
5.1 Datasets
The two biological databases used in this article
are from the family of G-Protein Coupled Recep-
tor (GPCR) and Enzymes. The protein functional
classes are given by unique hierarchical indexes by
(Horn et al., 2003) in the case of GPCRs, and
by Enzyme Commission Codes (Tipton and Boyce,
2000) in the case of enzymes. These databases
were used in the works of (Silla and Freitas, 2009)
and (Rom˜ao and Nievola, 2012), and are available
at https://sites.google.com/site/carlossillajr/resources.
Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate chemical reac-
tions while GPCRs are proteins involved in signaling
and are particularly important in medical applications
as it is believedthat from 40% to 50% of currentmed-
ical drugs target GPCR activity (Filmore, 2004).
Each dataset has four different versions based on
different kinds of predictor attributes, and in each
dataset the classes to be predicted are hierarchical
protein functions. Each type of binary predictor at-
tribute indicates whether or not a “protein signature”
(or motif) occurs in a protein (Silla and Freitas, 2009).
The motifs used in this work were: Interpro Entries,
FingerPrints from the Prints database, Prosite Patterns
and Pfam. Apart from the presence/absence of sev-
eral motifs according to the signature method, each
protein has two additional attributes: the molecular
weight and the sequence length.
Table 2 shows main characteristics of datasets
after the pre-processing steps which are detailed in
(Silla and Freitas, 2009). In all datasets, each protein
(example) is assigned at least to one class at each level
of the hierarchy.
Before performing the experiments, the following
preprocessing steps were applied to the datasets: (i)
Table 2: Enzime and GPCR dataset main characteristics.
Protein Type/Signature Attributes Examples Classes/Level
Interpro 1,216 14,027 6/41/96/187
Pfam 708 13,987 6/41/96/190
Prints 382 14,025 6/45/92/208
Prosite 585 14,041 6/42/89/187
Interpro 450 7,444 12/54/82/50
Pfam 75 7,053 12/52/79/49
Prints 283 5,404 8/46/76/49
Prosite 129 6,246 9/50/79/49
Every class with fewer than 10 examples was merged
with its parent class. If after this merge the class still
had fewer than 10 examples, this process would be
repeated recursively until the examples would be la-
beled to the root class. (ii) All examples whose most
specific class was the root class were removed. (iii) A
class blind discretization algorithm based on equal-
frequency binning (using 20 bins) was applied to
the molecular weight and sequence length attributes,
which were the only two continuous attributes in each
The data used in this paper is a subset of pro-
tein function datasets and a more detailed description
about the dataset used in this work is presented in the
work of (Silla and Freitas, 2011a).
5.2 Obtained Results
The experiments were performedusing 10-fold cross-
validation. Table 1 shows obtained results with the
proposed approaches HCCS and HCCSic comparing
their results with the algorithms HCLS (Rom˜ao and
Nievola, 2012) and GMNB (Silla and Freitas, 2009).
The results are represented by the three hierarchical
measures hP, hR and hF.
A comparison of the results obtained by HCCS
and HCCSic is showed in Table 4 in which is pos-
sible to see that the HCCSic outperformed the results
Table 3: Results obtained by HCCS and HCCSic compared with HLCS (Rom˜ao and Nievola, 2012) and GMNB (Silla and
Freitas, 2009) algorithms. The indicates the best result.
Protein Signature HCCS HCCSic HLCS GMNB
Type Type hP hR hF hP hR hF hP hR hF hP hR hF
of HCCS in the most part of the datasets. That re-
sults show improvements in this particular classifi-
cation problem afforded by the modification of tf-idf
weighting to the tf-idf with intra-class frequency pre-
sented in the Equation 7.
Table 4: Comparison HCC and HCCic obtained results. The
indicates the best result.
Protein Signature HCCS HCCSic
Type Type hP hR hF hP hR hF
Table 3 presents the comparison of results be-
tween the proposed algorithms against the HLCS
(Rom˜ao and Nievola, 2012) and GMNB (Silla and
Freitas, 2009) algorithms. Considering the distribu-
tion of the best results we see that the HCCSic ob-
tained best values for recall and consequently for hF
in the enzyme datasets while the GMNB obtained
best precision. The HCLS approach outperformed the
other algorithms for the GPCR datasets.
There is an apparent difference of performance in
the GPCR datasets when comparing the HCCS and
HCCSic results against the other algorithms, and ex-
cept in the Prosite dataset in which all classifiers had a
low performance, that the performance drop could be
consequence of the number of the classes in the levels
of the taxonomy and the number of examples in the
dataset, revealing a greater sensitivity of the proposed
algorithms to these variables. Looking at Table 2 is
possible to see that the GPCR datasets have a bigger
number of classes in the first levels of the hierarchy
and a lower number of instances.
Statistical tests based on Friedman comparing the
hF values between the classifiers with (α = 0.05) in-
dicated significant differences between the classifiers.
The post-hoc analysis represented in Table 5 demon-
strated that there is no significant statistical differ-
ences between the results of HCCSci and HCLS or
GMNB algorithms. The statistical test also presented
significance when comparing HCCS against HCCSic
algorithms, showing that the improvement done on
the second classifier achieve best results.
Table 5: Results of Friedman test considering the hF mea-
sure of classifiers.
Friedman Test using hF
Comparison p-value significance
HCCS - HCCSic 0.030488 *
HCCS - HLCS 0.000892 ***
HCCS - GMNB 0.000482 ***
HCCSic - HLCS 0.136864
HCCSic - GMNB 0.085510
HLCS - GMNB 0.799078
This paper presented a new algorithm for the hi-
erarchical classification problem of predicting pro-
tein functions supporting taxonomies organized as a
tree. The algorithm is an adaptation of the centroid-
based classifiers largely employed in text classifica-
tion problems and was presented with two versions:
the first one - named HCCS - using only tf-idf to
weight the attributes and the second - named HCC-
Sic - adding a intra-class frequency weight to tf-idf
weighting. Both approaches here proposed are clas-
sified as global classifiers that support taxonomies or-
ganized as a tree, predict one class per instance in the
hierarchy (SPL) and can predict classes at all levels of
the taxonomy (NMLNP).
The main advantage of the proposed algorithms
is the simplicity of the centroid-based classification
that has a cost for training linear to the number of the
training instances and the cost for testing linear to the
number of testing instances and the number of classes
in the taxonomy. In despite of its simplicity the ob-
tained resultsare very competitive in comparisonwith
other algorithms. Another advantage of the centroid-
based approach is that it summarizes the characteris-
tics of each class, using a centroid vector. The advan-
tage of the summarization performed by the centroid
vectors is that it combines multiple prevalent features
together, even if these features are not simultaneously
present in a single instance. This is useful becausecan
capture individual features present only in a few ex-
amples. Also, in terms computational time although
it’s evaluation wasn’t the main focus of this work,
the centroid-based approaches here proposed showed
clearly to require less time and resources than the
rules (HLCS) and Naive Bayes (GMND) approaches.
On the other hand, centroid-based classifiers are
dependent of a good set of examples for each class
and can lead to wrong classifications if the partition-
ing of examples is unbalanced. Also, in the context
of hierarchical classification, the addition of children
data to train the centroids of the higher classes of the
hierarchy needs to be more investigated because the
average of the vectors from two children classes can
not always truly represent the characteristics of the
parent class. In a centroid-based approach it’s im-
portant to ensure that the instances belonging to the
same class will be proportionally distributed between
the training and testing partitions, if all examples of
one class remain in the same partition the centroid of
this class wont be trained or wont have examples to
As future researches we highlight a deeper analy-
sis of the centroid relations between parent and chil-
dren classes in the hierarchy using different datasets.
Also this algorithm can be improved to support DAG
taxonomies and to make multiple paths of label pre-
diction (MPL). Another approachto be investigated is
the selection of a set of k centroids for every instance
being classified, the final centroid that would predict
the class to the instance will be select by election in a
similar way used in k-NN algorithm.
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