gregation rules. For example, a composite operation,
that creates an attribute, contains atomic operations
such as create attribute, set name, set type, set lower
bound, set upper bound, and other modifier operations
related to the same attribute.
This article has presented a framework to recover
refactoring operations from canonized operations or
deltas. This framework is flexible enough to allow
users to guide the result based on her/his preferences.
Users can remove parts of composite operations de-
tected by the analysis engine as long as the validity
of the composite operations are preserved. The anal-
ysis rule can add/remove rationale of modifications
to/from composite operations based on the user con-
firmation. It also analyzes dependencies among com-
posite changes and orders them. Users can add their
own composite operation patterns in defining their
own Jess rules.
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gine of RuCORD and integrate it with the DiCoMEF
framework (Koshima and Englebert, 2014). Besides,
we will encode different composite operations speci-
fied in (Herrmannsdoerfer,2009) and evaluate the Ru-
CORD framework.
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