Techniques for Effective and Efficient Fire Detection
from Social Media Images
Marcos V. N. Bedo, Gustavo Blanco, Willian D. Oliveira, Mirela T. Cazzolato, Alceu F. Costa,
Jose F. Rodrigues Jr., Agma J. M. Traina and Caetano Traina Jr.
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of S˜ao Paulo,
Av. Trabalhador S˜ao Carlense, 400, S˜ao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Fire Detection, Feature Extraction, Evaluation Functions, Image Descriptors, Social Media.
Social media could provide valuable information to support decision making in crisis management, such as in
accidents, explosions and fires. However, much of the data from social media are images, which are uploaded
in a rate that makes it impossible for human beings to analyze them. Despite the many works on image
analysis, there are no fire detection studies on social media. To fill this gap, we propose the use and evaluation
of a broad set of content-based image retrieval and classification techniques for fire detection. Our main
contributions are: (i) the development of the Fast-Fire Detection method (FFireDt), which combines feature
extractor and evaluation functions to support instance-based learning; (ii) the construction of an annotated set
of images with ground-truth depicting fire occurrences the Flickr-Fire dataset; and (iii) the evaluation of 36
efficient image descriptors for re detection. Using real data from Flickr, our results showed that FFireDt
was able to achieve a precision for fire detection comparable to that of human annotators. Therefore, our work
shall provide a solid basis for further developments on monitoring images from social media.
Disasters in industrial plants, densely populated areas,
or even crowded events may impact property, environ-
ment, and human life. For this reason, a fast response
is essential to prevent or reduce injuries and financial
losses, when crises situations strike. The management
of such situations is a challenge that requires fast and
effective decisions based on the best data available,
because decisions based on incorrect or lack of infor-
mation may cause more damage (Russo, 2013). One
of the alternatives to improve information correctness
and availability for decision making during crises is
the use of software systems to support expertsand res-
cue forces (Kudyba, 2014).
Systems aimed at supporting salvage and rescue
teams often rely on images to understand the crisis
scenario and to design the actions that will reduce
losses. Crowdsourcing and social media, as massive
sources of images, possess a great potential to assist
such systems. Web sites such as Flickr, Twitter, and
Facebook allow users to upload pictures from mobile
devices, what generates a flow of images that carries
valuable information. Such information may reduce
the time spent to make decisions and it can be used
along with other information sources. Automatic im-
age analysis is important to understand the dimen-
sions, type, and the objects and people involved in an
Despite the potential benefits, we observed that
there is still a lack of studies concerning automatic
content-based processing of crisis images (Villela
et al., 2014). In the specific case of fire which
is observed during explosions, car accidents, forest
and building fire, to name a few, there is an ab-
sence of studies to identify the most adequate content-
based retrieval techniques (image descriptors) able to
identify and retrieve relevant images captured during
crises. In this work, we fill one of the gaps providing
an architecture and an evaluation of the techniques for
fire monitoring in images collected from social media.
This work reports on one of the steps of the
project Reliable and Smart Crowdsourcing Solution
for Emergency and Crisis Management Rescuer
The project goal is to use crowd-sourcingdata (image,
video, and text captured with mobile devices) to assist
in rescue missions. This paper describes the evalua-
tion of techniques to detect fire in image data, one of
V. N. Bedo M., Blanco G., D. Oliveira W., T. Cazzolato M., F. Costa A., F. Rodrigues Jr. J., J. M. Traina A. and Traina Jr. C..
Techniques for Effective and Efficient Fire Detection from Social Media Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0005341500340045
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 34-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the project targets. We use real images from Flickr
a well-known social media website from where we
collected a large set of images that were manually an-
notated as having fire or not fire. We used this dataset
as a ground-truth to evaluate image descriptors in the
task of detecting fire. Our main contributions are the
1. Curation of the Flickr-Fire Dataset: a vast
human-annotated dataset of real images suitable
as ground-truth for the development of content-
based techniques for fire detection;
2. Development of FFireDt: we propose the Fast-
Fire Detection and Retrieval (FFireDt), a scal-
able and accurate architecture for automatic fire-
detection, designed over image descriptors able to
detect fire, which achieves a precision comparable
to that of human annotation;
3. Evaluation: we soundly compare the precision
and performance of several image descriptors for
image classification and retrieval.
Our results provide a solid basis to choose the
most adequate pair feature extractor and evaluation
function in the task of fire detection, as well as a com-
prehensive discussion of how the many existing alter-
natives work in such task.
The remaining of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the related work; Section 3
presents the main concepts regarding fire-detection in
images; Section 4 presents the methodology. Sec-
tion 5 describes the experiments and discusses their
results; finally, Section 6 presents the conclusions.
Previous efforts on mining information from sets of
images include detecting social events and track-
ing the corresponding related topics which can
even include the identification of touristic attractions
(Tamura et al., 2012).
Distinctly, in this paper we are interested in the
following problem: Given a collection of photos, pos-
sibly obtained by a social media service, how can we
efficiently detect fire? Interesting approaches related
to fire motion analysis on video are not applicable for
static images (Chunyu et al., 2010), and most of these
approaches where found not to work with satisfactory
performance (Celik et al., 2007; Ko et al., 2009; Liu
and Ahuja, 2004).
Some of the previous works propose the construc-
tion of a particular color model focused on fire, based
on Gaussian differences (Celik et al., 2007) or in spec-
tral characteristics to identify fire, smoke, heat or ra-
diation. The spectral color model has been used along
with spatial correlation and a stochastic model to cap-
ture fire motion (Liu and Ahuja, 2004). However,
such technique requires a set of images and is not suit-
able for individual images, as it is frequent with social
Other studies employ a variation of the combina-
tion given by a color model transform plus a classifier.
This combination is employed in the work of Dim-
itropoulos (Dimitropoulos et al., 2014), which repre-
sents each frame according to the most prominent tex-
ture and shape features. It also combines such repre-
sentation with spatio-temporal motion features to em-
ploy SVM to detect fire in videos. However, this ap-
proach is neither scalable nor suitable for fire detec-
tion on still images.
On the other hand, the feature extraction meth-
ods available in the MPEG-7 Standard have been used
for image representation in fast-response systems that
deal with large amounts of data (Doeller and Kosch,
2008; Ojala et al., 2002; Tjondronegoro and Chen,
2002). However, to the best of our knowledge, there is
no study employing those extractors for fire detection.
Moreover, despite these multiple approaches, there is
no conclusivework about which image descriptors are
suitable to identify fire in images.
3.1 Content-based Model for Retrieval
and Classification
The most usual approach to recover and classify im-
ages by content relies on representing them using fea-
ture extractor techniques (Guyon et al., 2006). Af-
ter extraction, the images can be retrieved compar-
ing their feature vectors using an evaluation function,
which is usually a metric or a divergence function.
Comparison is a required step in image retrieval sys-
tems. Also, Instance-Based Learning (IBL) classifiers
use the evaluation among the images of a given set to
label them regarding their visual content (Bedo et al.,
2014; Aha et al., 1991). Such concepts can be formal-
ized by the following definitions.
Definition 1 (Feature Extraction Method (FEM)). A
feature extraction method is a non-bijective function
that, given an image domain I, is able to represent
any image i
I in a domain F as f
. Each value f
is called a feature vector (FV) and represents charac-
teristics of an image i
In this paper, we use FEMs to represent images
in multidimensional domains. Therefore, the image
feature vectors can be compared according to the next
Definition 2 (Evaluation Function (EF)). Given the
feature vectors f
, f
and f
F, an evaluation func-
tion δ : F × F R is able to compare any two ele-
ments from F. The EF is said to be a metric distance
function if it complies with the following properties:
Symmetry: δ( f
, f
) = δ( f
, f
Non-negativity: 0 < δ( f
, f
) < .
Triangular inequality: δ( f
, f
) δ( f
, f
) +
δ( f
, f
The FEM defines the element distribution in the
multidimensional space. On the other hand, the eval-
uation function defines the behavior of the searching
functionalities. Therefore, the combination of FEM
and EF is the main parameter to improve or decrease
accuracy and quality for both classification and re-
trieval. Formally, this association can be defined as:
Definition 3 (Image Descriptor (ID)). An image de-
scriptor is a pair < ε, δ >, where ε is a (composition
of) FEM and δ is a (weighted) EF.
By employing a suitable image descriptor, it is
possible to inspect the neighborhood of a given ele-
ment considering previous labeled cases. This course
of action is the principle of the Instance-Based Learn-
ing algorithms, which rely on previously labeled data
to classify new elements according to their nearest
neighbors. The sense of what “nearest” means is pro-
vided by the EF. Formally, this operation must respect
the definition bellow:
Definition 4 (k Nearest-Neighbors - kNN). Given an
image i
represented as f
F, an image descriptor
ID =< ε, δ >, a number of neighbors k N and a
set F of images, the k-Nearest Neighbors set is the
subset of F F such that kNN = { f
F | f
F; δ( f
, f
) < δ( f
, f
Once the kNN performance relies on the capabil-
ity of the image descriptor to define the image repre-
sentations and the search space, it becomes the critical
point to be defined in an image retrieval system. Fol-
lowing we review, experiment, and report on multiple
possibilities of image descriptors for fire detection.
3.2 MPEG-7 Feature Extraction
The MPEG-7 standard was proposed by the ISO/IEC
JTC1 (IEEE MultiMedia, 2002). It defines expected
representations for images regarding color, texture
and shape. The set of proposed feature extraction
methods were designed to process the original image
as fast as possible, without taking into account spe-
cific image domains. The original proposal of MPEG-
7 is composed of two parts: high and low-level val-
ues, both intended to represent the image. The low-
level value is the representation of the original data
by a FEM. On the other hand, the high-level feature
requires examination by an expert.
The goal of MPEG-7 is to standardize the repre-
sentation of streamed or stored images. The low-level
FEMs are widely employed to compare and to filter
data, based purely on content. These FEMs are mean-
ingful in the context of various applications according
to several studies (Doeller and Kosch, 2008; Tjon-
dronegoro and Chen, 2002). They are also supposed
to define objects by including color patches, shapes or
textures. The MPEG-7 standard defines the following
set of low-level extractors (Sato et al., 2010):
Color. Color Layout, Color Structure, Scalable
Color and Color Temperature, Dominant Color,
Color Correlogram, Group-of-Frames;
Texture. Edge Histogram, Texture Browsing, Ho-
mogeneous Texture;
Shape. Contour Shape, Shape Spectrum, Region
We highlight that shape FEMs’ usually depends of
previous object definitions. As the goal of this study
relies on defining the best setting for automatic clas-
sification and retrieval for fire detection, user interac-
tion on the extraction process is not suitable for our
proposal. Thus, we focus only on the color and tex-
ture extractors. In this study we employ the following
MPEG-7 extractors: Color Layout, Color Structure,
Scalable Color, Color Temperature, Edge Histogram,
and Texture Browsing. They are explained in the next
3.2.1 Color Layout
The MPEG-7 Color Layout (CL) (Kasutani and Ya-
mada, 2001) describes the image color distribution
considering spatial location. It splits the image in
squared sub-regions (the number of sub regions is a
parameter) and label each square with the average
color of the region. Figure 1(b) depicts the regions
for Figure 1(a) according to the Color Layout ex-
tractor. Next, the average colors are transformed to
the YCbCr space and a Discrete Cosine Transforma-
tion is applied over each band of the YCbCr region
values. The low-frequency coefficients are extracted
through a zig-zag image reading. In order to reduce
dimensionality, only the most prominent frequencies
are employed in the feature vector.
Figure 1: (a) Original image (b) Regions considered by
Color Layout.
3.2.2 Scalable Color
The MPEG-7 Scalable Color (SC) (Manjunath et al.,
2001) aims at capturing the prominent color distribu-
tion. It is based on four stages. The first stage converts
all pixels from the RGB color-space to the HSV space
and a normalized color histogram is constructed. The
color histogram is quantized using 256 levels of the
HSV space. Finally, a Haar wavelet transformation
is applied over the resulting histogram (Ojala et al.,
3.2.3 Color Structure
The MPEG-7 Color Structure (CS) expresses both
spatial and color distribution (Sikora, 2001). This pa-
per splits the original image in a set of color structures
with fixed-size windows. Each fixed-size window se-
lects equally spaced pixels to represent the local color
structure, as depicted in Figure 2(a).
Figure 2: (a) Color structure with a defined window (b) Lo-
cal histogram.
The window size and the number of local struc-
tures are parameters of CS (Manjunath et al., 2001).
For each color structure, a quantization based on the
HMMD - a color-space derived from HSV that rep-
resents color differences - is executed. Then a local
“histogram” based on HMMD is built. It stores the
presence or absence of the quantized color instead of
its distribution along with the window (Figure 2(b)).
The resulting feature vector is the accumulated distri-
bution of the local histograms according to the previ-
ous quantization.
3.2.4 Edge Histogram
The MPEG-7 Edge Histogram (EH) aims at captur-
ing local and global edges. It defines five types of
edges (Figure 3) regarding N × N blocks, where N is
a extractor parameter. Each block is constructed by
partitioning the original image into squared regions.
Figure 3: Edge types: (a) Vertical (b) Horizontal (c) 45 de-
gree (d) 135 degree (e) non-directional.
After applying the masks shown in Figure 3 to an
image, it is possible to compute the local edge his-
tograms. At this stage, the entire histogram is com-
posed of 5 × N bins, but it is biased by local edges.
To circumvent this problem, a variation (Park et al.,
2000) was proposed to capture also semi-local edges.
Figure 4 illustrates how the 13 semi-local edges are
calculated. The horizontal semi-local edges are eval-
uated first, then the vertical ones and finally the five
combinations of the super block edges.
Figure 4: 13 regions corresponding to semi-local edge his-
The resulting feature vector is composed of N plus
thirteen edge-histograms, which represents the local
and the semi-local distribution, respectively.
3.2.5 Color Temperature
The main hypothesis supporting the MPEG-7 Color
Temperature (CT) is that there is a correlation be-
tween the “feeling of image temperature” and illumi-
nation properties. Formally, the proposal considers
a theoretical object called black body, whereupon its
color depends on the temperature (Wnukowicz and
Skarbek, 2003). Figure 5 depicts the locus of the
theoretical black body, according to Planck formula
changing from 2000 Kelvin (red) to 25000 Kelvin
The feature vector represent the linearized pixels
in the XYZ space. This is performed by interactively
discarding every pixel with luminance Y above the
given threshold a FEM’s parameter. Thereafter, the
average color coordinate in XYZ is converted to UCS.
Figure 5: CIE color system and black body locus indicated
by the in-out points.
Finally, the two closest isotemperature lines is calcu-
lated from the given color diagrams (Wnukowicz and
Skarbek, 2003). The formula for the resulting color
temperature depends on the average point, the closest
isolines and the distances among them.
3.2.6 Texture Browsing
The MPEG-7 Texture Browsing extractor (TB) is ob-
tained from Gabor filters applied to the image (Lee
and Chen, 2005). This FEM parameters’ are the same
used in Gabor filtering. Figure 6 (b) ilustrates the re-
sult of using the Gabor filter to process image 6 (a)
following a particular setting. The Texture Browsing
feature vector is composed of 12 positions: 2 to rep-
resent regularity, 6 for directionality and 4 for coarse-
Figure 6: (a) Original Image (b) Gabor filter with a kernel
The regularityfeatures represent the degree of reg-
ularity of the texture structure as a more/less regular
pattern, in such a way that the more regular a texture,
the more robust the representation of the other fea-
tures is. The directionality defines the most dominant
texture orientation. This feature is obtained providing
an orientation variation for the Gabor filters. Finally,
the coarseness represents the two dominant scales of
the texture.
3.3 Evaluation Functions
An Evaluation Function expresses the proximity be-
tween two feature vectors. We are interested in fea-
ture extractor that generates the same amount of fea-
tures for each image, thus in this paper we account
only for evaluation functions for multidimensional
spaces. Particularly, we employed distance functions
(metrics) and divergences as evaluation functions.
Suppose two feature vectors X = {x
, x
, ..., x
and Y = { y
, y
, .. . , y
} of dimensionality n. Ta-
ble 1 shows the EFs implemented, according to their
evaluation formulas.
Table 1: Evaluation functions: their classification as metric
distance functions and respective formulas.
Name Metric Formula
City-Block Yes
Euclidean Yes
Chebyshev Yes lim
Canberra Yes
| x
The most widely employed metric distance func-
tions are those related to the Minkowski family: the
Manhattan, Euclidean and Chebyshev (Zezula et al.,
2006). A variation of the Manhattan distance is the
Canberra distance that results in distances in the range
[0,1]. These four EFs satisfy the properties of Defini-
tion 2. Therefore, they are metric distance functions.
However, there are non-metric distance functions
that are useful for image classification and retrieval.
The Kullback-Leibler Divergence, for instance, does
not follow the triangular inequality neither the sym-
metry properties. A symmetric variation of Kullback-
Leibler distance is the Jeffrey Divergence, yet it still is
not a metric due to the lack of the triangular inequality
3.4 Instance-Based Learning - IBL
The main hypothesis for IBL classification is that the
unlabeled feature vectors (FV) pertain to the same
class of its k Nearest-Neighbors, according to a pre-
defined rule. Such classifier relies on three resources:
1. An evaluation function, which evaluates the prox-
imity between two FVs;
2. A classification function, which receives the near-
est FVs to classify the unlabeled one – commonly
considering the majority of retrieved FVs;
3. A concept description updater, which maintains
the record of previous classifications.
Variation of these parts defines different IBL ver-
sions. For instance, the IB1 probably the most
widely adopted IBL algorithm adopts the majority
of the retrieved elements as the classification rule and
keeps no record of previous classifications.
The kNN process is able to solve all steps re-
quired by IB1. Moreover, it can be seamlessly
integrated to the concept of similarity queries by
employing extended-SQL expressions (Bedo et al.,
2014). This database-driven approach to solve IB1
may reduce the time to obtain the final classification
by orders of magnitude, besides the obvious gains
obtained by structuring queried data following the
entity-relationship model.
4.1 Dataset Flickr-Fire
We used the Flickr API
to download 5,962 images
(no duplicates) under the Creative Commons license.
The images were retrieved using textual queries such
as: “fire car accident”, “criminal fire”, and “house
burning”. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate samples of the ob-
tained images, which we named
. Even
with queries related to fire, some of the images did
not contain visual traces of fire, so each image was
manually annotated to define a coherent ground-truth
To perform the annotation, we asked 7 subjects,
all of them aging between 20 and 30 years, familiar
with the issue, and non-color-blinded. To each subject
it was given a subset with 1,589 images that he/she
should annotate as containing or not traces of fire. For
images in which the annotations disagreed, we asked
a third subject to provide an annotation. The average
disagreement was 7.2%.
In order to balance the class distribution of the
dataset, we randomly removed images to have 1,000
images containing fire and 1,000 images without fire.
We made the dataset available online
aiming at the
reproducibility of our experiments.
4.2 The Architecture of Fast-Fire
Here we introduce the Fast-Fire Detection (FFireDt)
architecture, which uses image descriptors for image
retrieval and classification. The architecture is or-
ganized in modules that implement the concepts re-
viewed in Section 3. Figure 9 illustrates the relation-
The Flickr API is available at:
The Flickr-Fire dataset at:
Figure 7: Sample images labeled as ’fire’ from dataset
Figure 8: Sample images labeled as ’not-fire’ from dataset
ship among the modules, their communication and
how they relate to a relational database management
system (RDBMS).
Table 2: Feature Extractor Method acronyms used in the
Feature Extractor Method Acronym
Color Layout CL
Scalable Color SC
Color Structure CS
Color Temperature CT
Edge Histogram EH
Texture Browsing TB
Table 3: Evaluation Function acronyms used in the experi-
Evaluation Function Name Acronym
City-Block CB
Euclidean EU
Chebyshev CH
Canberra CA
Kullback Leibler
Jeffrey Divergence JF
The feature extraction methods module (the FEM
module) accepts any kind of feature extractor. For
this work, we implemented six extractors following
Figure 9: Architecture of the FFireDt. The Evaluating Module receives an unlabeled image, represents it executing feature
extractor methods and labels it by using the Instance Based Learning Module. The system output (image plus label) interacts
with the experts, who may also perform a similarity query.
the MPEG-7 standard: Color Layout, Scalable Color,
Color Structure, Edge Histogram, Color Tempera-
ture, and Texture Browsing explained in Section
3.2. The evaluation functions module (the EF mod-
ule) is also prepared for general implementations; for
this work, we implemented six functions: City-Block,
Euclidean, Chebyshev, Jeffrey Divergence, Kullback-
Leibler Divergence, and Canberra. The feature ex-
tractors methods and evaluation functions acronyms
are listed in Tables 2 and 3.
The architecture also has an Instance-Based
Learning module (the IBL module), which
classifies images labeling them as in classes
not fire
}. The IBL module receives as
input the unclassified images, one image descriptor
(a pair of feature extractor and evaluation function)
and the set of past cases correctly labeled. This
module is assisted by a similarity retrieval subsystem,
which executes the kNN queries necessary for the
instance-based learning.
We assume a flow of images is feed to Fast-Fire
Detection architecture. As each image arrives, it is
stored in the RDBMS along with the corresponding
vectors of the features extracted. Then, the IBL mod-
ule classifies each unlabeled image based on the re-
quired descriptor.
This architecture was implemented as an API in-
tegrated to an RDBMS, in which the user can create
his/her own image descriptor by combining FEM and
DF to perform image classification. The user employs
an SQL extension as the front-end for the architecture.
The extension is able to execute similarity retrieval
(through the Image Retrieval Module) and classifica-
In this section, we search the combination of classi-
fiers and image descriptors that are the most suitable
to FFireDt in the fire detection task. We evaluate the
impact of the image descriptors creating a candidate
set of 36 descriptors given by the combination of the 6
feature extractors with the 6 evaluation functions con-
sidered in this work executing the IB1 classifier over
dataset. The experiments were per-
formed using the following procedure:
1. Calculate the F-measure metric to evaluate the ef-
ficacy of the experimental setting;
2. Select the top-six image descriptors according to
the F-measure to generate Precision-Recall plots,
bringing more details about the behavior of the
3. Validate our partial findings using Principal Com-
ponent Analysis to plot the feature vectors of the
4. Employed the top-three image descriptors accord-
ing to the previous measures to perform a ROC
curve evaluation, providing the analysis about the
most accurate FFireDt setting;
5. Evaluate the efficiency of the proposed FFireDt
architecture, measuring the wall-clock time con-
sidering the multiple configurations of the de-
5.1 Obtaining the F-measure
To determine the most suitable FFireDt setting, we
employed the F-measure, which relies on measuring
the number of true positives (TP), false positives (FP)
and false negatives (FN). The TP are the images con-
taining fire which are correctly labeled as ’fire’, while
the FN are those labeled as ’not fire’ although being
fire images. The FN are the images labeled as ’fire’
but containing no traces of fire. The F-measure is
given by 2 TP/(2 TP+ FP+ FN).
We calculated the F-measure for the 36 image de-
scriptors using 10-fold cross validation. That is, for
each round of evaluation, we used one tenth of the
dataset to train the IB1 classifier and the remaining
data for tests. It is performed 10 times and them the
average F-measure is calculated.
Table 4 presents the F-measure values for all the
36 combinations of feature extractor/evaluation func-
tion. The highest values obtained for each row are
highlighted in bold. The experiment revealed that dis-
tinct descriptor combinationsimpact on fire detection.
More specifically, the accuracy of extractors based on
color is better than that of the extractors based on tex-
ture (Edge Histogram, and Texture Browsing). More-
over, the extractors Color Layout and Color Struc-
ture have shown the best efficacy for fire detection,
in combination respectively with the evaluation func-
tions Euclidean and Jeffrey Divergence.
The highlighted values are pointed out as the best
setting for tuning FFireDt. In addition, notice that the
best descriptor achieved an accuracy of 85%, which is
close to the human labeling process, whose accuracy
was 92.8%.
Table 4: F-Measure for each pair of feature extractor
method (rows) versus evaluation function (columns). For
each feature extractor, the evaluation function with the high-
est F-Measure is highlighted.
Evaluation Functions
CL 0.834 0.847 0.807 0.828 0.803 0.844
SC 0.843 0.827 0.811 0.835 0.671 0.798
CS 0.853 0.849 0.821 0.848 0.746 0.866
CT 0.799 0.798 0.798 0.800 0.734 0.799
EH 0.808 0.806 0.795 0.806 0.462 0.815
TB 0.766 0.762 0.745 0.751 0.571 0.755
We also compared the best combination achieved
by the IB1 classifier, as reported in Table 4, with other
classifiers. This was performed to assure that the
instance-based learning (the FFireDt approach) is the
most adequate classification strategy . In these exper-
iments, we tuned FFireDt to employ the best EF for
each FEM, as reported in Table 4. We also grouped
the results according to the employed FEM.
Table 5 shows the FFireDt results compared
to Naive-Bayes, J48, and RandomForest classifiers.
The results show that FFireDt achieved the best F-
Measure in every but one, of the classification config-
urations. Random Forest classification using the Scal-
able Color extractor beat FFireDt, although by a nar-
row F-Measure margin. Thus, we can conclude that
IB1 is adequate to fulfill the classification purpose on
Table 5: FFireDt obtained the highest F-Measure for all
but one FEM when compared to other classifiers. For each
feature extractor, we highlighted strategy with the highest
FEM FFireDt Naive-
J48 Random
CL 0.847 0.787 0.751 0.829
SC 0.843 0.808 0.845 0.864
CS 0.866 0.406 0.842 0.866
CT 0.800 0.341 0.800 0.774
EH 0.815 0.522 0.711 0.787
TB 0.766 0.476 0.706 0.723
5.2 Precision-Recall
We extended the analysis of Section 5.1 measuring
the Precision and Recall of each configuration, which
are values also employed on F-measure. Such further
analysis permits to better understand the behavior of
the image descriptors and more specifically, the be-
havior of the feature extractors. A Precision vs. Re-
call (P×R) curve is suitable to measure the number of
relevant images regarding the number of retrieved ele-
ments. We used Precision vs. Recall as a complemen-
tary measure to determine the potential of each image
descriptor in the FFireDt setting. A rule of thumb on
reading P×R curves is: the closer to the top the bet-
ter the result is. Accordingly, we consider only the
more efficient combination of each feature extractor,
as highlighted in Table 4: ID
<CS, JF>, ID
<SC, CB>, ID
<EH, JF>, ID
CA> and ID
<TB, CB>. Figure 11 confirms that
the image descriptors ID
, ID
, and ID
are in fact the
most effective combinations for fire detection. It also
shows that, for those three descriptors, the precision
is at least 0.8 for a recall of up to 0.5, dropping almost
linearly with a small slope, which can be considered
acceptable. This observation reinforces the findings
of the F-measure metric, indicating that the behavior
of the descriptors are homogeneous and well-suited
for the task of retrieval and, consequently, for classi-
fication purposes.
5.3 Visualization of Feature Extractors
Based on the results shown so far, we hypothesize that
Figure 10: PCA projection of fire and not-fire images: (a) Color Layout, (b) Color Structure, (c) Scalable Color and (d) Edge
Histogram. The Color Layout visually separates the dataset into two clusters.
the Color Structure, Color Layout, and Scalable Color
extractors are the most adequate to act as FFireDt set-
ting. In this section, we look for further evidence, us-
ing visualization techniques to better understand the
feature space of the extractors using Principal Com-
ponent Analysis (PCA). The PCA analysis takes as
input the extracted features, which may have several
dimensions according to the FEM domain, and re-
duces them to two features. Such reduction allows
us to visualize the data as a scatter-plot.
Our hypothesis shall gain more credibility if the
corresponding visualizations allow seeing a best sep-
aration of the classes re and not-fire, in comparison
to the other three extractors. Figures 10(a) - 10(d)
allow visualizing the two-dimensional projection of
the data, plotting the two principal components of the
PCA processing of the space generated by each ex-
tractor. Figure 10(a) depicts the representation of the
data space generated by CL, the extractor that pre-
sented the better separability in the classification pro-
cess. The two clusters can be seen as two well-formed
clouds with a reasonably small overlapping, splitting
the images as containing fire or not.
Figure 10(b) shows the data visualization of the
space generated by CS, which was the FEM that
obtained the highest F-measure on previous experi-
ments. The data projection shows that each cluster
forms a cloud clearly identifiable, having the centers
of the clouds distinctly separated. However, this fig-
ure reveals that there is a large overlap between the
two classes. Figure 10(c) presents the projection of
the space generated by the SC extractor. Again, it can
be seen that there are two clusters, but with an even
larger overlap between them. Visually, the CL outper-
formed the other color FEMS: the CS and SC, when
drawing the border between the two classes.
Figure 10(d) depicts the visualization generated
by the EH extractor. It can be seen that indeed it
has two clouds: one almost vertical to the left and
another along the “diagonal” of the figure. However,
the two clouds are not related to the existence of fire,
as the elements of both clusters are distributed over
both clouds. Figures 10 (a), 10 (b) and 10 (c) show
the visualization of the extractors based on color. The
four visualizations show that the corresponding CL,
SC and SC indeed generate clusters. However, there
Figure 11: Precision vs. Recall graphs for each of the
most precise image descriptor combinations according to
are increasing larger overlaps between fire and not-
fire instances. Regarding the TB and CT features, the
PCA projection was not able to separate the fire and
not-fire classes. Concluding, the visualization of the
feature spaces shows that extractors based on color
are able to separate the data into visual clouds related
to the expected clusters. Particularly, Color Layout
has shown the best visualization, followed by Color
Structure, and Scalable Color, which also have shown
to significantly separate the classes. However, the ex-
tractors based on texture identify characteristics that
are not related to fire, thus presenting the worst sepa-
rability, as expected.
5.4 ROC Curves
Finally, we employed one last accuracy measure to
define the FFireDt setting: the ROC curve. It al-
low us to determine the experiments overall accuracy,
using measures of sensitivity and specificity. Figure
12 presents the detailed ROC curves for image de-
scriptors ID
=<CS, JF>, ID
=<CL, EU>, and
=<SC, CB>, the top three best combinations ac-
cording to the F-Measure, Precision-Recall and Visu-
alization experiments. For fire-detection, the area un-
der the ROC curve was up to 0.93 for ID
; up to 0.87
for ID
; and up to 0.85 for ID
These results indicate that the top three image
descriptors have similar and satisfactory accuracy.
Therefore, the choice of which descriptor to use be-
comes a matter of performance. In the next section
we evaluate the performance to conclude what is the
most adequate descriptor.
5.5 Processing Time and Scalability
When monitoring images originated from social
media, the time constraint is important because of
Figure 12: ROC curves for the top three image descriptors
in the task of fire detection.
the high rate at which new images arrive. Thus,
we also evaluate the efficiency, given in wall-clock
time, of the candidate image descriptors. We ran
the experiments in a personal computer equipped
with processor Intel Core i7 R 2.67 GHz with 4GB
memory over operating system Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Feature Extractors
When monitoring images originated from social me-
dia, the time constraint is important because of the
high rate at which new images may arrive. Thus, we
also evaluate the efficiency, given in wall-clock time,
of the candidate image descriptors. Figure 13 shows
the required average time to perform the feature ex-
traction on FFireDt regarding
Color Structure, the most precise extractor, was the
second fastest. The second and third most precise ex-
tractors were Color Layout and Scalable Color: the
former was three times slower than Color Structure,
and the later was the fastest extractor. Thus, we are
now able to state the that extractors Color Structure
and Scalable Color are the best choices for fire de-
tection in image streams. Meanwhile, the texture-
based extractors Edge Histogram, and Texture Brows-
ing presented low performances, so they are definitely
dismissed as possible choices.
Figure 13: Plot Highest precision when classifying dataset
Flickr-Fire vs. Average time to extract the features of
one image for the six feature extractors.
Evaluation Functions
Figure 14 shows the time required to perform 2 tril-
lion evaluation calculations for each evaluation func-
tion on feature vectors of 256 dimensions. The plot
average precision vs. wall-clock time shows that, al-
though the Jeffrey Divergence demonstrated the high-
est precision, it was the least efficient. In their turn,
the City-Block and Euclidean distances presented ex-
cellent performance and a precision only slightly be-
low the Jeffrey Divergence. Therefore, we can say
that they are the most adequate evaluation functions
when performance is on concern, such as is the
case in our problem domain. Finally, we conclude
that the image descriptors given by the combinations
{CS, SC} × {CB,EU} are the best options in terms
of both efficacy (precision) and efficiency (wall-clock
time). In Table 6 we reproduce the F-measure results
highlighting the most adequate combinations accord-
ing to our findings.
Table 6: F-Measure for each pair of feature extractor
method (rows) and evaluation function (columns), now
highlighting the best combinations according to our experi-
Evaluation Functions
CL 0.834 0.847 0.807 0.844 0.803 0.828
CS 0.853 0.849 0.821 0.866 0.746 0.848
SC 0.843 0.827 0.811 0.798 0.671 0.835
EH 0.808 0.806 0.795 0.815 0.462 0.806
CT 0.799 0.798 0.798 0.799 0.734 0.800
TB 0.766 0.762 0.745 0.755 0.571 0.751
By these experiments, we point out that the best
image descriptor for fire detection, considering the
built dataset, is given by the combinations of the
MPEG-7 Color Structure and Scalable Color extrac-
tors with the distance functions City-Block and Eu-
clidean. These combinations provide not only more
efficacy, but also more efficiency. In general, we no-
ticed that feature extractors based on color were more
Figure 14: Plot Average precision when classifying dataset
Flickr-Fire vs. Time to perform 2 trillion calculations
for the six evaluation functions.
effective than extractors based on texture. We also
identified that the Jeffrey divergence was the most ac-
curate, however, it was also the most expensive eval-
uation function.
We worked on the problem of identifying fire in
social-media image sets in order to assist rescue ser-
vices during emergency situations. The approach was
based on an architecture for content-based image re-
trieval and classification. Using this architecture, we
compared the accuracy and performance (processing
time) of image descriptors (pairs of feature extrac-
tor and evaluation function) in the task of identify-
ing fire in the images. As a ground-truth, we built a
dataset with 2,000 human-annotated images obtained
from website Flickr. Our contributions in this paper
are summarized as follows:
1. Dataset Flickr-Fire: we built a varied human-
annotated dataset of real images suitable as
ground-truth to foster the development of more
precise techniques for automatic identification of
2. Fast-FireDetection (FFireDt) Architecture: we
designed and implemented a flexible, scalable,
and accurate method for content-based image re-
trieval and classification to be used as a model for
future developments in the field;
3. Evaluation of Existing Techniques: we com-
pared 36 combinationsof MEPG-7 feature extrac-
tors with evaluation functions from the literature
considering their potential for accurate retrieval
using F-measure and Precision-Recall. As a re-
sult, we achieved 85% accuracy, precise classi-
fication (ROC curves), and efficient performance
(wall-clock time).
Our results showed that FFireDt was able to
achieve a precision for the fire detection task, which
is comparable to that of human annotators. We con-
clude by stressing the importance of monitoring im-
ages from social media, including situations in which
decision making can benefit from precise and accurate
information. However, to take advantage of them, it
is required to have automated tools that can flag them
from the social media as soon as possible, and this
work is an important step toward it.
This research is supported, in part, by FAPESP,
project, funded by the European Commission
(Grant: 614154) and by the CNPq/MCTI (Grant:
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