In this paper an approach to model the way humans
perform PRID embedding both intra and inter frame
chromatic relationships has been presented. Our ap-
proach also lowers the computational cost related to
the feature extraction and the signature matching.
Differential Spatiograms have been proved to be
easily exploitable to characterize relationships be-
tween frames extracted from CCTV videos, as it has
been show that a relatively limited number of opera-
tions is needed to calculate the feature matrix; more-
over, the algebraic properties of the Differential Spa-
tiogram can be use to add new knowledge to the
whole system.
As this is a snapshot of a work in progress, it may
be interesting to focus on future works.
In particular, we plan to focus on following points:
• Exploit of DS to Elaborate New Metrics: we plan
to elaborate better metrics which exploit algebraic
properties of the DS in order to enhance PRID
• Elaborate Score Matrices, combining data from
multiple features (like MSCR (Forss
en, 2007) or
SCR (Bak et al., 2010)) and dinamically evaluate
the best one to use at runtime, according to the
properties of the dataset;
• Elaborate a Classification Module, which can cat-
egorize different frames and narrow the cardinal-
ity of the frame sets where PRID is performed;
this will improve performances both in terms of
PRID and computational cost;
• Elaborate a Supervised Approach, as this kind of
methods has been proved to be more effective than
unsupervised one;
• Elaborate a Qualitative-based Metric to support
CMCs in the evaluation of qualitative PRID per-
formances, as only first ranks of the CMC are rel-
evant to effective PRID.
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