matching record ranked within the top 5, 79% of the
time. Although this percentage is currently low for a
real application deployment, this is work in progress
that lays the foundation for future work described in
the previous section, and for a feasibile application
deployment we believe.
We hope that this work will serve as a catalyst to
solve patient identification problems at on-site med-
ical clinics in less developed countries, and have a
positive impact on global health. Although the main
target of the app is identifying subjects for the pur-
pose of cataloging their medical data in field settings,
it would also be useful for on-site identification of ca-
sualties complicated by facial injury and lack of iden-
tifying documents.
We would like to thank the Biometrics Research Lab-
oratory at IIT Delhi for providing us with the IIT
Delhi Ear Image Database. We would also like to
thank Fatih Cakir for bringing together the public
health and computer science teams.
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