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detector named as Robust Local Zernike Moment
based Features or R-LZMF. This detector is based
on local Zernike moments and invariant to geometric
transformations such as scale, rotation and
translation. We validated its robustness to these
transformations by testing it with the Inria Dataset
and reported that R-LZMF outperforms SIFT,
SURF, CenSurE (STAR), BRISK and ORB for all
image sets in the experiments. As a future work, we
plan to analyse the performance of R-LZMF for
affine transformation as well. Furthermore, we will
extend R-LZMF to have a descriptor by using LZM
again to utilize from its descriptive power so that it
will be a complete schema (detector and descriptor)
as in SIFT and SURF.
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