(Diaz, 2006) use formal methods for describing and
analyzing the behavior of Web Services, including
time restrictions. Dai et al. (Dai, 2007) present a
time constraint modeling and analyzing method
for Web processes based on OWL-S annotations,.
Lallali et al. (Lallali, 2007), (Lallali, 2008) proposed
a new formalism called Web service time extended
finite state machine (WS-TEFSM) and an
intermediate format (IF) which enables modeling of
timing constraints in BPEL. Rouached et al.
(Rouached, 2006) propose an event driven approach
for checking, functional and non-functional
consistency of Web service composition expressed
in BPEL by using the Event Calculus framework.
The paper of Kazhamiakin et al. (Kazhamiakin,
2004) introduced a new formalism called WSTTS
(Web service time transition system) which enables
verification of time constraints in Web service
compositions using model checking for WS-BPEL
processes to capture the time behavior. Lastly, Ting-
Wei et al. (CHEN, 2011) present a verification
approach of time constraint consistency of Web
service composition, which transform OWL-S to
ETPN (extended time Petri net), an algorithm of
time consistency verification in Web service
composition is proposed but this paper did not
support time constraints for the execution of the
The composition of Web services is an issue that
has been studied by many researches and is the core
to a wide research activity. However, most studies
(Diaz, 2006), (Lallali, 2007), (Kazhamiakin, 2004),
(Hamadi, 2003), (CHEN, 2011), (Rouached, 2006),
(Dai, 2007), (Hamadi, 2008) did not consider all
types of temporal constraints "local, global, relative,
absolute..." imposed by the composition, the client
and the service provider. Therefore, the results did
not satisfy the needs and time preferences.
Moreover, works like (Hamadi, 2003),
(Kazhamiakin, 2004) can only answer whether there
is temporal inconsistency, but they did not provide a
concrete solution.
To guaranty vulnerabilities of web service
composition and control system behavior is an
important criterion and can be done by defining a
temporal consistency at design and run time of the
Recently, Web service composition model and
languages do not allow defining all types of
temporal constraint imposed by the client, the
provider and the composition in a declarative and
formal way and verify temporal consistency at
design and run time, defining if there is a temporal
contradiction at design time is important because
modification of temporal constraint cannot be done
at run time.
4.1 H-Service-Net: A Temporal Model
for Web Service Composition
Although the temporal RDP allows to define
temporal performance information, there are not
enough for modeling any complex system such as
temporal constraints in web service composition, For
this, we have extended the timed RDP in order to
define a well-suited timed model for the
formalization of a web service orchestration. Thus,
we have defined an extended time Petri net called H-
The H-Service-Net model (an acronym for
Hierarchical Service Net) is a time Petri net-based
model It allows the modeling of time-critical
aspect in the field of Web Services. It allows
incremental composition of services, as well as
consistency checking after each modification. It
introduces a new type of places named composite
places. A composite place is an abstract place
represented by a sub-network, allowing a degree of
independence between the parts of the H-Service-
Net. Indeed, a composite or single place in H-
Service -Net depends only on the subnet to which it
belongs. In other words, the modification of a
component can affect its subnet or the subnets of the
same hierarchy. This representation allows for
incremental modeling of the H-Service-Net. This
will allow for easy correction of errors, an exact
location of conflicts between the subnet elements
and support rapid changes. Thus, the H-Service-Net
model is well suited for modeling the
synchronization constraints in a temporal scenario.
As a result, it was chosen to model the composition
of web services. We present in what follows the
different elements of the H-Service-Net model: