has to be provided. Whereas in 2D the image size and
resolution are defined during authoring, in 3D appli-
cations the size and displayed resolution of textured
3D objects depend on their world space positions and
the viewpoint, which is updated every frame. So, not
in every case the full texture quality is necessary, like
for instance if an object is far away from the camera.
Therefore, our approach can also be used as a new
level-of-detail method on the texture level, indepen-
dent from the geometric model representation.
To summarize, our proposed technique can be
applied to stream surface textures for progres-
sive meshes for consistent rendering, to load large
amounts of images in a 3D scene, or to transmit reg-
ular geometry information, like e.g. displacement
maps or other vertex information. In addition to the
PNG format, all common image formats that are sup-
ported by browsers can be utilized as data transport
containers for our GPUII textures. To ease usage we
have integrated the proposed technique as special tex-
ture node in X3DOM. Moreover, in sec. 3 we have
also shown an important application scenario, where
our approach allows increasing the number of photos
in the 3D scene by a factor of at least ten to twelve.
For future work, we would like to combine our
method with a hierarchical approach to stream large
regularly organized meshes (e.g., terrain data). Be-
sides this, it would be interesting to natively imple-
ment our polyfill approach in the web browser for
transparent and even more efficient usage.
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