Yearly/Yearly). This happens because the location-
vector becomes sparser when increasing the time
period while the sparseness of the topic-vector
nearly remains the same.
In this paper we introduced a novel similarity
measurement framework that relies on the dynamic
model of twitter users. This framework utilizes the
dynamic attributes of user by extracting and ranking
their topics and visited location categories during a
specific time intervals. It also applied an integrated
method that linearly combines the similarity values
between weighted topical interests and locational
vectors during a predefined time intervals.
The experimental results show that the proposed
method for calculating the similarity outperforms
several traditional models that consider only a static
snapshot of user published content and behavior.
The results also prove that when considering the
time factor for calculating the similarity always gave
better accuracy than using static snapshots of
dynamic data. This superior accuracy is achieved
whenever each dynamic attributes was individually
considered and also when applying the integrated
model. In future work, in order to enhance the
proposed framework, we intend to make it more
adaptive to the changes in interests of users over any
time. We also consider linking topics and location
categories into higher ontology hierarchy that will
better represent their interest and behavior in twitter.
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