For both marker-based and marker-less tracking
methods, the information from an image is not
enough to obtain a reliable result. Instead, the
information contained in a sequence of images should
be taken into account to improve the accuracy of the
tracking. To estimate the position of the surgical tool,
we introduced some probability based estimators,
such as the Kalman Filter (KF) and the Extended
Kalman Filter (EKF) to the visual tracking system in
the previous work (Zhou & Payandeh 2014). The
application of these estimators is able to return more
accurate and reliable tracking results. This paper is a
further development of the experimental study based
on the previous visual tracking work. An adaptive
Gaussian Mixture Model (AGMM) method is
implemented to track the surgical instrument under
the assumption of Gaussian background components.
Moreover, to explore better tracking performance for
surgical application, a more general tracking scheme
based on Particle Filter (PF) is presented. This
framework is further combined with the AGMM as
the Hybrid approach to provide 2D feature
information for the tool during tracking. These
methods are experimentally evaluated in both an in-
vitro scene and an in-vivo setting, and also compared
with the results from the previous work.
In this section, we present an overview of three visual
tracking approaches for MIS instrument localization.
A Gaussian-type tracking method based on AGMM
is firstly introduced, followed by a more general PF
tracking scheme with a weight-based resample
strategy. To explore better tracking performance, a
Hybrid approach which combines the PF framework
and the AGMM is also implemented.
2.1 AGMM Method
To detect a moving object in image sequences, one
type of tracking methods is based on background
subtraction. The AGMM method is a successful
application in the visual tracking field. The basic idea
for the AGMM is to set up a background model which
can be used to distinguish the foreground object from
background environment. The region of the moving
object is highlighted by calculating a reference image
and subtracting each new frame from this reference
image. The AGMM was originally proposed in (Stau
& Romano 1998) and was further developed by
introducing a shadow detection scheme
(Kaewtrakulpong & Bowden 2002). Our laboratory
has successfully applied the AGMM method in a
people surveillance system (Dai 2012). In this paper,
we use the AGMM to track the moving surgical tool.
In the AGMM, the pixel values in the scene
background are modelled using a mixture of adaptive
Gaussian components. Given an arbitrary pixel value
, the
Gaussian density function at time
(, , )
with a mean value
and a standard
. The probability of a particular pixel
having value
is defined as
() (, , )
t it t it it
Px w x
is the weight for the
component and
is the number of components. To
cope with slight changes in the background, such as
changing illuminants, an adaptive background model
is necessary. To allow a foreground object to become
part of the background later, the Gaussian distribution
having the lowest weight is replaced with a new
Gaussian function. This new Gaussian component is
given a low normalized weight which will be used in
the time
. Meanwhile, the mean and variance of
the other remaining Gaussian components for the
are also updated.
To deal with the shadow noise in the returned
foreground object region, a shadow elimination step
is added to the output of AGMM. Some
morphological operations such as opening and
closing are also applied to the shadow detected image.
After these post-processing steps, the contour of the
moving surgical instrument is accurately extracted
frame by frame.
2.2 PF Tracking Framework
The idea of the PF is to generate a group of weighted
samples (particles) to approximate the posterior
probability density function (PDF). These particles
are weighted according to the weighting function.
This function is created based on the measurement
from the image data. Generally, higher weights are
given to more reliable particles. If the number of
particles are large enough, we can recover the
unknown posterior PDF for the state-space using its
approximation after several iterations. Since the PF
method does not assume any linearity of the system
or Gaussian noise distributions, it is widely used to
track objects in general and medical applications
(Tehrani Niknejad et al. 2012; Ito et al. 2013). In the
previous work, a colour-based PF method was used
to track a coloured marker in the emulated surgical