choice of appropriate statistical methods for
analysis. We attend to this issue and we take care to
verify if the samples were normally distributed. As
the normality test result was negative for a sample,
we opted to run the Mann-Whitney which is one
alternative nonparametric test to the t-test in cases
where data are not normally distributed.
The experiment results showed us that the
perspective-based ERP heuristics are better for
inspect medium-fidelity prototypes because the tips
created for each heuristics can lead better the
inspectors during the inspection of ERP systems.
In future work, new experiments in ERP industry
will be conducted in order to refine the process of
usability evaluation. We intend to accomplish
further experiments in order to verify if there is
significative variance that should be considered on
the use of perspective-based heuristics in prototypes
of different fidelities. We also intend to include an
analysis of usability problems by severity, and check
if the benefits identified in this paper can be held
with experienced evaluators.
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