Our work can be characterized by the following
attributes, which set it apart from other work on ar-
chitectural analysis.
• from a software architectural specification it is
quite simple to derive an ACME+ textual descrip-
tion thanks to its expressiveness.
• we propose to estimate the non-functional prop-
erties directly from an architectural description to
avoid problems occurred when using a mathemat-
ical models. In fact, the transformation of soft-
ware architecture to a mathematical model, im-
posed by the analytical approaches, limits their
capacities of analysis which depends on the used
• our analysis approach can be applied to any sys-
tem that can be described by components and con-
nectors for any architectural style (client/server,
pipes and filters, etc.) unlike Acme-based ap-
proach, presented in (Spitznagel and Garlan,
1998), which is limited to client/server systems
• system analysis must deal with various quality at-
tributes to enable a better understanding of the
strengths and weaknesses of complex systems
(Dobrica and Niemelae, 2002). Thus, unlike ap-
proaches found in the literature, which analyze ei-
ther performance or reliability quality attributes,
it is possible with the same ACME+ specification
of a software system to analyze both performance
and reliability. It is also possible to extend anal-
ysis to other quality attributes that can be induc-
tively derived such as availability, maintainability,
• our approach is supported by an automated tool.
The user can perform many different experi-
ments by analyzing the software architecture and
modifying the components and connectors non-
functional properties values or changing the soft-
ware topology to get better performances before
iterating the process again. It is then very easy
to perform many ”what-if” experiments, changing
parameters or structure of the model to see what
the result is.
Among the extensions we envision for this work, we
cite: the analysis of other quantitative non functional
attributes and to investigate more profoundly archi-
tecture styles and dynamic architectures.
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