from presumed unlabeled seismic data, our proposed
system is generic and scalable and relies entirely on
objective closeness metrics in feature space that re-
moves dependency on a more constraining regional
scheme. For each of our distribution and signal type
feature vectors, both cluster analysis and classifica-
tion results affirm seismic pattern relations that cross
continent boundaries, suggesting similarity of impar-
tial macroseismic effects.
The data we acquired comprised of a large number
of hundreds of thousands earthquake events, recorded
in an extended period of time of four decades, and af-
fected a few thousands sites around the world. How-
ever, only a few hundreds of places, each bearing at
least several hundreds of shake occurrences, are sta-
tistically reasoned and pertinent to our probabilistic
system approach. Advancing the growth of the seis-
mic training set is imperative to our work and directly
affects classification robustness. Yet using geograph-
ical locations that endured under one hundred seismic
events is a suboptimal choice for our system, giving
rise to highly sparse feature vectors. Alternatively, we
contend that by coalescing locations of a small event
count into a macro seismic site, based on geo-spatial
proximity considerations, our training collection size
is likely to increase further and proportionally let us
gain a more stable classification process.
A direct progression of our work is to assume
no foregoing knowledge of the number of seismic
clusters to generate, and discover both the model fit-
ting and the selection dimension directly from the in-
complete seismic training set, using a combination of
Akaike and Bayesian information criteria. We look
forward to further incorporate the three dimensional
geometrical data provided in a GeoJSON object, and
possibly detect seismic similarity along either a longi-
tude or a latitude extent perspective. Lastly, the flex-
ibility of our software allows us to pursue a higher
level, inter-cluster network study to better understand
second order set of seismic relations.
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their insightful and helpful feedback.
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