In this paper, we present a new combination of a ge-
netic algorithm with a tabu search in a holonic multi-
agent model, called GATS+HM, for the flexible job
shop scheduling problem (FJSP). In this approach,
a Neighborhood-based Genetic Algorithm is adapted
by a Scheduler Agent (SA) for a global exploration
of the search space. Then, a local search technique is
applied by a set of Cluster Agents (CAs) to guide the
research in promising regions of the search space and
to improve the quality of the final population. Numer-
ical tests are made to measure the performance of the
proposed approach using two well known data sets
from the literature of the FJSP. The experimental re-
sults show that the proposed approach is efficient in
comparison to others approaches. In the future work,
improvements will be done on the tabu search of each
Cluster Agent. In fact, if a Cluster Agent CA
a new dominant solution E
and it does not attain the
allowed number of neighbors from its current solu-
tion E, it does not stop, but it creates in each case a
new Sub-Cluster Agent SCA
i, j
allowing to relaunch
the search from the new obtained solution E
. Then
it continues to generate the remaining allowed neigh-
bors from its solution E searching other dominant so-
lutions. In other words, each Cluster Agent distributes
the new found solutions E
from its elite solution E
on a new sub-set of Sub-Cluster Agents SCA
i, j
launch from them their new search processes, which
enhances more the search in the selected promising
areas and shows more the efficient use of the notion of
the holonic agents (recursive agents) in our proposed
solution for the FJSP problem. Also, we will search
to treat other extensions of the FJSP, such as by inte-
grating new transportation resources constraints in the
shop process. So, we will make improvements to our
approach to adapt it to this new transformation and
study its effects on the makespan.
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