Table 3: Consumptions obtained in scenario C.
Consumption (LGTT) Reduction
Actual DCOP Our C-A C-B
(A) (B) (C) (%) (%)
1 6.19 4.16 3.36 50% 26%
2 5.68 4.18 4.22 30% -5%
3 6.23 4.09 3.95 41% 10%
4 6.49 4.51 3.88 46% 23%
5 6.29 4.22 3.31 49% 24%
6 6.17 3.99 3.69 40% 8%
7 6.26 4.07 3.86 42% 11%
8 5.68 4.41 4.00 34% 6%
sented (Our column). The DCOP column represents
the best values obtained in this approach. It is em-
phasized that for all consumption values (measured
in LGTT), our approach is higher than for the other
competitors, except on a single opportunity (train 2),
where the DCOP is higher by 5%.
The feasibility of an automatic train driving sys-
tem seems significantly important. For example, for
a fuel consumption expenditure of approximately 250
million dollars per year, any cost savings above 6%
can have a significant impact on the competitiveness
of the freight transport sector.
This paper presented a collaborative approach for
sharing experiences in generating plans for driving
trains. The results obtained showed that the adopted
approach can be generalized and deployed at various
stations of a rail network. We showed that the effi-
ciency of recovery and adaptation tasks increases as
new cases are obtained. Such efficiency generates a
tendency to reduce efforts in planning and re-planning
driving plans. Obviously, if conditions change signif-
icantly, planning efforts increase, at least initially.
Finally, in terms of domain application, two re-
sults are important: in monetary terms, the gener-
ated driving plans can produce significant gains; and
in terms of reuse of experiences, the approach sug-
gested that good drivers should be used to drive trains
in several different stretches of a railroad, for a certain
time, in order to generate experiences. Such experi-
ments can then be used to generate good plans for less
experienced drivers. This helps rationalize the exper-
tise capable for driving trains efficiently. Future work
should follow the following directions: avoiding un-
necessary stops (Dordal et al., 2011), and ensuring the
certification of the information exchanged.
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