municipality is due to the actions from inhabitants
from other municipalities) and effects at different
scale (as the GWR use the same bandwidth for all
the explanatory variables). It worth noting that some
drivers cannot act with very fuzzy spatial pattern or
no pattern at all (e.g. global economy effect such as
import/export of agriculture goods).
It is likely that the effect of a driver on a given
region is related to the time such driver has been
shaping the landscape and that different drivers have
affect at different temporal and spatial scales, which
makes the interpretation of the results difficult.
Considering the rate of deforestation during different
past periods of time will enable us to analyze the
dynamic of deforestation in its temporal and spatial
Some limitations of this study have been identified
and will be addressed in forthcoming researches.
However, results clearly show the advantages of a
local approach (GWR) over a global one, to assess
different drivers’ effect on LUCC over such a
complex and diverse territory as Mexico.
In future researches, alternative deforestation
rates will be computed, new explanatory variables
such as land tenure will be integrated into the model,
the effect of correlation between explanatory
variables at local scale will be tested and a workshop
will be organized to carry out deep interpretation of
the results.
This research has been funded by the Consejo
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT) and
the Secretaría de Educación Pública (grant
CONACYT-SEP CB-2012-01-178816) and
CONAFOR project: “Construcción de las bases para
la propuesta de un nivel nacional de referencia de las
emisiones forestales y análisis de políticas públicas”.
The authors would like to thank the four reviewers
for their careful review of our manuscript and
providing us with their comments and suggestion to
improve the quality of the manuscript.
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