in one of the encountered scenarios.
The advantages of such an approach are diverse.
Initially, we extended the Relaxed Soundness crite-
rion to the context of the interorganizational work-
flow processes to guarantee that the main business re-
lationship between the involved organizations can be
provided safely, with no obligation of redesigning the
involved individual processes to satisfy the Relaxed
Soundness criterion before the composition, for ex-
The fact of working with Linear Logic permits
one to prove the Relaxed Soundness criterion consid-
ering the proper structure of the IOWF-net, without
considering the corresponding automata (reachability
graph). Furthermore,when an approachbased on Lin-
ear Logic to verify the Soundness criterion for IOWF-
nets, as the one presented in (Soares Passos and Julia,
2013) is considered, if the analysed IOWF-net is un-
sound, a subset of the prooftrees built to proveSound-
ness for the IOWF-net can be reused in the context
of this approach. Thus, performing only the analysis
steps in the proof trees that represent each scenario
of the U(IOWF-net) to decide whether the analysed
IOWF-net is relaxed sound.
As a future work proposal, it will be interesting
to implement a kind of real time supervisory control
able to follow the valid scenarios encountered during
the execution of the workflow management system,
avoiding in particular deadlock situations that may ex-
ist in the relaxed sound model, as is the case of sce-
nario Sc
of theU(IOWF-net) shown in Figure 1. It is
important since the Relaxed Soundness criterion does
not ensure that the process is deadlock-free.
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