challenges have been found also from other settings
(Kaisler et al., 2005; Pehkonen, 2013; Seppänen,
2014) which supports our findings. REAP is based on
general non-HEI-specific literature, and therefore it is
likely explaining resistance during EA adoption also
in a wider context. Therefore we are encouraging
researchers and practitioners to apply REAP model in
other settings to increase its validity and
Author acknowledges that the REAP model is one
possible way to describe EA adoption. This means
that REAP is not necessarily comprehensive, i.e.
there may be sources of resistance that are not
captured by the model. Therefore we are encouraging
researchers also to improve the model.
Analysing the empirical data with the REAP
model revealed that most of the planning phase
resistance was caused by the lack understanding EA
knowledge. Thus one direction for the future research
could be finding ways to overcome this type of
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