attackers. In the cloud computing core technologies
identified vulnerabilities are mainly related to the
virtual machine escape, poor password protection,
poor authentication and authorization systems,
session hijacking, and insecure cryptographic
algorithms. The presented work in this paper can be
considered as an attempt to remove some of these
vulnerabilities that are related to the user
authentication and authorization.
Authentication and authorization of the
OpenStack and VMware platforms were carefully
studied before a solution enabling a federated IdM
approach to be applied in cloud computing
environment emerged. The developed solution, the
Common Authentication Solution connects both
platforms and enables secure authentication service
and friendly remote user management. CAS has been
implemented for integrating the user authentication of
the addressed platforms, but it is sufficiently general
to be used for other environment as well. The
Microsoft cloud solution already offers some options.
A SOAP library (Ruby library), for example, can be
used to use the functionality in Windows Remote
Management (WinRM) to call native object in
Windows. This includes, but is not limited to, running
batch scripts, powershell scripts and fetching WMI
variables. This way, we can communicate and map
users between CAS and the Hyper-V cloud. Another
popular open source cloud platform OpenNebula
contains a patch in the authentication system, and two
standard SimpleSAMLphp modules that can be used
to establish connection between CAS and
OpenNebula. Furthermore, Eucalyptus and
CloudStack are still missing the SAML support in
their authentication system, but their aim is to
integrate the SSO SAML support. Despite the lack of
SAML support there can be a patch developed to
support this feature. It is necessary to reiterate at this
point that our aim was to provide a unified interface
for many other well-known cloud providers and
provide simple integration of our platform with other
IaaS platforms.
Acting as a kind of a broker, CAS introduces only
a slight overhead (login to CAS) to the multi-platform
cloud operation from the user point of view when
only one platform is accessed. On the other hand CAS
relieves the user from frustration of having to
remember multiple passwords and enables him easier
access to multiple cloud platforms. CAS functionality
improves administration performance by providing
one interface to manage multiple cloud platforms.
The amount of time spent for logging on to different
cloud platforms is reduced and it provides faster
access to the resources.
Cloud computing still needs much more
development and deployment for provision of secure
and trustworthy services. The future development is
planned to be oriented towards provision of a unified
access point for many other well-known cloud
providers such as Amazon, DigitalOcean, Slicehost,
or Rackspace. For this reason, our future work is
oriented to the extension of the functionality of the
CAS system in order to support other features that are
common to different cloud providers and platforms,
such as management of a cloud network, virtual
machine, image and storage.
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