+ app : : S e r v i c e . a l l I n s t a n c e s ( )−> s e l e c t ( m A nn o t a t i o ns
. f i e l d . r e f e r e n c e s . e C l a s s ( ) . in s t a n c eT yp eN a m e−>
e x i s t s ( s | s = ’bpm . A c t i v i t y ’ or s = ’bpm . Task
’ ) )−> s i z e ( )
+ app : : Da t a O b j e c t . a l l I n s t a n c e s ( )−> s e l e c t (
m A n no t a t i o n s . f i e l d . r e f e r e n c e s . e C l a s s ( ) .
in st an ce T y p eN am e−> e x i s t s ( s | s = ’bpm .
D a t a O b j e c t ’ ) )−> s i z e ( )
Other criteria have been defined to measure
alignment: coverage, consistency, coupling, confor-
mance, . . . Each criterion is supported by an analysis
rule on OCL. In the alignment link we added a weight
feature for measuring alignment based on specific cri-
teria like cost maintenance, execution time, strategic
priority, etc. These metrics help for re-factoring, re-
architecturing and improving the alignment. In this
way, we introduce the threshold notion; if given level
is exceeded a warning is thrown, appropriate actions
should be executed. We plan to implement a dash-
board with all metrics results, indicators and viola-
tions, e.g. plug-in for Sonar
Business-IT alignment remains an open challenge in
Information System (IS) research. Industry faces this
challenge during the maintenance and evolution of
legacy systems. We contribute in a pragmatic ap-
proach with an operational method, to bring closer
the business and the IT dimensions in order to link
both dimensions and detect mismatches. First we de-
fined two meta-models for the business domain (pro-
cess and functional) and one for the IT domain (appli-
cation) which are a data support for alignment. Sec-
ond we described a top-down and bottom-up process
to reconcile business and IT view of the IS. Last,
we fully implemented EMF model and transforma-
tions to build an abstract model from software, and
model composition (weaving or annotations) to trace
Business and IT models alignment. The applicability
of the method has been validated on real case study.
Metrics enable to measure the alignment quality.
This work is the cornerstone of a long-term project
to provide techniques and tools for IS maintenance
and evolution. The first short-term perspective is
to highlight misalignment and evaluate Business-IT
alignment using various criteria: consistency, cou-
pling, business coverage, cost maintenance, etc. We
are currently working on the formalisation and vali-
dation of our set of metrics on the alignment quality.
Besides, we have to improve the detection of candi-
date matching in our three meta-models in order to
better assist the weaving designer. Language process-
ing and patterns are candidate techniques, the idea is
to define probabilistic criteria to compare model ele-
ments. We plan to compare the current alignment of
the IS with the ones of its evolution scenarios, in order
to deal with the cost of IS evolution.
Detailed information is available at http://www.lina.
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