is a costly, risky, and time-consuming task. It incurs
because the current approach practiced by software
engineers requires the construction of the complete
integration solution, its execution in a runtime sys-
tem, and the collection of data from this execution,
so that the integration solution can be analysed. An
approach that enables the analysis of the integration
solution without having to construct it, taking as in-
put only the conceptual models devised at the design
phase, would help to reduce cost, risk, and time spent.
A conceptual model is characterised by its high
level of abstraction. A good solution would be
to translate a conceptual model into another high
level abstraction model that relies on automated
analysis support, since the goal is not to generate
source code. In the Model-Driven Engineering dis-
cipline (Schmidt, 2006), such transformation is clas-
sified as horizontal and exogenous transformation. “A
horizontal transformation is a transformation in which
the source and target models reside at the same ab-
straction level” and “exogenous transformations are
transformations between models expressed using dif-
ferent languages” (Mens and Gorp, 2006).
Guaraná conceptual models can be classified as
stochastic, dynamic, and discrete. As a discrete sys-
tem, it can be simulated taking the advantage of well-
established techniques and tools for discrete-event
simulation. Simulation models are used to get an-
swers about the operation of the system and may
be able to analyse several aspects of it. Therefore,
to be able to analyse Guaraná solutions based only
on the conceptual models, we propose a simulation
of such solutions by using Petri nets (Bause and
Kritzinger, 1998). This mathematical modelling lan-
guage can be used to model discrete event systems
of any kind (David and Alla, 1994), and their graph-
ical nature allows the visualisation of the system be-
haviour comprising concurrency, synchronisation and
resource sharing. They are executable, have a math-
ematically defined semantics, and provide a mathe-
matical theory for analysis and verification of certain
properties of a process.
Guaraná follows the Pipes and Filters architectural
style (Hohpe and Woolf, 2003). In this style, a larger
process is divided into a number of smaller and inde-
pendent services (Filters), which are usually unsyn-
chronised by channels (Pipes). In an integration pro-
cess, there are two main components: i) pipes, imple-
mented by slots, and ii) filters, implemented by tasks.
In an integration solution, messages flow through in-
tegration processes, going from slots to tasks or from
tasks to slots, and are processed asynchronously. Sim-
ilarly, Petri nets are structured as follows: i) they are
bipartite graphs, since they have two types of nodes,
places and transitions, ii) they are directed graphs,
arcs can connect places to transitions and transitions
to places only, and iii) they are multi-graphs, its pos-
sible to have multiple parallel arcs between a place
and a transition. As in the case of an integration so-
lution, in which the execution of a task depends on
the availability of messages in all slots connected to
its inputs, in Petri nets the execution of a given transi-
tion occurs only when a token is available in all input
places connected to such transition.
The aim of this paper is to show that an integration
solution conceptual model designed with Guaraná can
be translated into a formal model structured as a
Stochastic Petri net. We propose to verify the equiv-
alence of both models by comparing the operation of
the Guaraná runtime system with the behaviour of a
Petri net execution process.
According to Rezai et al. (1995), Petri nets have
proven themselves to be an excellent modelling and
analysis tool for discrete event or asynchronous sys-
tems. In this work, the authors use a new extension
of Petri nets, called Global Petri net that provides a
means for combining differential and differenceequa-
tions to represent time dependent or synchronous sys-
tems. The goal is to show how it can be used to model
and simulate hybrid systems. An example of real time
control systems was used to show the Global Petri net
modelling and simulation capabilities.
Zhou (1998) presents a Petri net approach aim-
ing at modelling, analysing, simulating, scheduling,
and controlling for semiconductor manufacturing sys-
tems. This paper presents the fundamental con-
cepts of Petri nets, its importance for qualitative and
quantitative analysis of systems. The author also
describes that this kind of system can be charac-
terised as discrete-event systems, however, it can ex-
hibit sequential, concurrent, and conflicting relations
amongst the events and operations having its evolu-
tion dynamic over time.
Cavalieri (2000) proposes a methodology to im-
prove the performance of a Flexible Manufacturing
System (FMS), based on the use of Petri nets. The
goal is to model the system to represent the general
behaviour of the FMS, avoiding a detailed description
of its operations. The Petri net model of the FMS is
used to evaluate its performance through simulation.
Kuo (2004) proposes a simulation and control
environment for the distributed event dynamic sys-
tems, based on the distributed agent-oriented Petri
net, a type of high-level Petri nets. Davidrajuh (2008)
presents a new Petri net tool for modelling and simu-
lation of discrete-event systems. According to Alla
and Ghomri (2012), Petri nets are widely used to
model discrete event dynamic systems. The paper,