founded one alternative using one great resource as
ontology, Wikipedia. This research uses this source
to design a method to automatically generate a
learning path to one particular knowledge unit.
The adaptive multimedia instruction authoring
producing suitable learning content that matches
student learning styles. This is one of the
tasks in
the emerging multimedia technologies for e-
(Lau et al., 2014).
3.1 Learning Path Generation Process
The learning path generation process has been
studied from diverse perspectives as follows. Based
on the flow theory, one learning path is selected
taking care of the state of mind of the student (Katuk
and Hokyoung Ryu, 2010). In (Chih-Ming Chen,
2008) the authors constructed a personalized
learning path based on simultaneously considering
courseware difficulty level and learning concept
continuity during learning processes, a genetic-based
curriculum sequence scheme was developed. The
algorithm constructs a learning path according to the
incorrect response patterns of a pre-test. Other
approach takes into account eventual competency
dependencies among learning objects. The authors
propose a learning design recommendation system
based on graph theory, they using the concept of
cliques, a loop generating sub graphs, until one such
clique is generated whose prerequisites are a subset
of the learner’s competencies (G. Durand et al.,
2013). One proposed methodology is inspired to the
Knowledge Space Theory, and it proposes some
heuristics to transform one original ontology in a
weighted graph where the A* algorithm is used to
find the path. The ontology is the result of the
semantics of the relations among concepts (Pirrone
et al., 2005).
A proposal for a personalized e-learning system
is based on Item Response Theory -which considers
both course material difficulty and learner ability to
provide individual learning paths for learners-. In the
proposal a single difficulty parameter is used to
model the course materials, and the maximum
likelihood estimation is applied to estimate learner
ability based on explicit learner feedback. Besides, a
collaborative voting approach is used for adjusting
course material difficulty (Chen et al., 2005).
Other proposed approach develop a genetic
algorithm and case-based reasoning to construct an
optimal learning path for each learner. (Huang et al.,
All this approach needs one source of knowledge
where to obtain the information to apply a learning
strategy. So, they are limited by the domain of their
sources of knowledge.
3.2 Assumptions
As result of a documental research, some
assumptions have been useful to this work. To begin
to describe the learning path building we have stated
some assumptions as follows.
(1) The curriculum sequencing can be resumed
as the knowledge unit selection to build the learning
path from a complete universe of possibilities
(2) A learning path, for a specific objective
knowledge (new knowledge unit), can be seen as an
organized set of knowledge units, they correspond to
prior knowledge for one new knowledge unit, named
objective knowledge (Fig. 2.2). The last element in
the learning path will be precisely the new
knowledge unit. After, each knowledge unit is
associated to one specific activity.
Figure 3.1: Learning path
(4) The learning path generation process has
been explored under the NLP approach, particularly
by statistical methods.
(5) It is known that, in the NLP area, the based
on additional knowledge sources methods provides
better results than the based on statistical
approaches. Nevertheless, the size and domain of the
additional knowledge resources is usually limited,
because the construction of this kind of resources is
(6) Wikipedia is now treated as a linguistic
resource, it is used in PLN tasks, the performance of
some of them results even better than those using
other resources as Wordnet (Medelyan et al., 2009).
(7) In Wikipedia content, unlike the categories
structure shapes one hierarchical structure, the
articles structure shapes one cyclic graph, this can be
seen resembling the human brain. We associate one
event or object to some ideas or concepts.
Depending the situation (context), but this same
ideas can be evoked from another context. The
figure 3.1 shows a snapshot at Wikipedia article
“Derivative” and its anchors. “Derivative” has nodes
which point to different articles and at the same