phasis on the visualization path. Based on a given
user query, a Federated Recommender (FR) compiles
recommendations from a number of associated ser-
vice providers(e.g., Mendeley, Europeana and ZBW).
The query comprises the current interests of the user
(e.g., actual query, requests) as well as a user context
collected by the UI (e.g., visited page, interests). The
FR reverts with a list of items relevant to the query, al-
beit without details as to how items relate to the query
or amonst themselves. In part, visualizations should
help users establish this connection. A first step is
to perform data analysis on the recommendation list,
collecting statistics and extracting data attributes. To
automatically suggest the right visualization, the vi-
sual recommender, based on visual perception and vi-
sual encoding guidelines, matches data attributes to
visual components of a visualization.
Each stage depends on one or more data models to
summarize, transform or enrich the recommendation
list and to create alternative (visual) representations
of it. We employ semantic technologies to describe
expressive data models, and build upon them the pro-
cesses to suggest visualizations.
Recommended Items. Associated providers of sci-
entific, educational and cultural content collect and
index various kinds of documents, such as confer-
ence publications, books, journals, lectures, images,
and events. Each provider defines and organizes its
repositories according to a (often closed) proprietary
data model. The data model describes attributes that
are used to match user queries. They also recommend
items in terms of the attributes in their data model.
The FR establishes a unified representation for rec-
ommended items in an extended version of the public
Europeana metamodel. In spite of the rich represen-
tation the metamodel supports, the FR only shares the
minimal relevant attributes common to all involved
repositories. Such minimalistic approach, presents
the client with a list of items and mostly categorical
fields describing properties and no numerical values.
RDF Data Cube Vocabulary. A recommended item
describes a single resource according to the plain data
model described previously. A recommendation list
is nothing else than a sequence (possibly ordered by
ranking) of such items. To figure out how to graph-
ically represent the recommendation list and items
thereof, we need a model that describes the properties
of the data they contain that we can later match to ap-
propriate visual components. Hereby, a recommenda-
tion list needs to be represented as an n-dimensional
data cube, identifying data dimensions and their se-
mantics. For this purpose, we chose the RDF Data
Cube Vocabulary (RDF-DCV
) semantic web stan-
RDF Data Cube Vocabulary: www.w3.org/TR/vocab-data-cube/
dard, developed by the W3C to define concrete data
models for arbitrary measurements (e.g., statistical
data). The RDF-DCV defines a collection of so called
observations, each consisting of a set of dimensions
and measures. Dimensions identify the observations
as categorical data, whereas measures are related to
concrete values. Both types of components are de-
fined as generic elements of RDF so that complex
structures can be constructed out of primitive RDF
data types. A preprocessing stage analyses the rec-
ommendation list and generates a description of data
attributes in RDF-DCV.
Visual Analytics Vocabulary. We developed a Vi-
sual Analytics Vocabulary (Mutlu et al., 2014) to se-
mantically describe visualizations. We used RDF to
this end because: (1) it provides a common persis-
tence model for representing visualizations that can
be used by various visualization technologies, and
(2) it allows to query existing visualizations enriched
with data. The model strictly focuses on describing
the visual encoding process. Hence we represent vi-
sualizations in terms of their visual channels (Bertin,
1983). However, instead of pursuing a thorough spec-
ification encompassing all known facts about visual
perception (as in (Voigt et al., 2012)), we concen-
trate on pragmatic, simple facts that will aid the sen-
sible mapping (e.g. (Mackinlay, 1986)), extending
the description to many different types of visualiza-
tions. The VA Vocabulary consists of two parts: (1)
the model of an abstract visualization capturing com-
monalities shared between all concrete visualizations,
and (2) the model of a concrete visualization captur-
ing specific information. The abstract visualization
model specifies structural components that any con-
crete visualization may have, such as: (a) name (b)
visual channels (encoding some attributes of the data,
e.g axes of a visualization), (c) description. Concrete
visualizations refine the abstract visualization model
depending on their type by reification of the visual
channels. Hence, visual channels are characterized
by: (i) datatype: set of primitive datatypes that a vi-
sual channel supports, (ii) occurrence: cardinality,
i.e. how many instances are allowed for the visual
channel, (3) persistence: whether a visual channel is
mandatory for the concrete visualization.
3.1 Suggesting Visualizations
There are two stages to generically suggesting visual-
izations for a recommendation list: extraction of data
attributes (Block 2 in Figure 1), and the actual map-
ping of those attributes to visual channels of a visual-
ization (Block 3 in Figure 1).
Extraction of data attributes involves expressing