Lastly, we conduct a similar comparison on a much
larger, more realistic data set data-UCI provided by
University of California, Irvine (Gjoka , Gjoka,
Kurant et al. 2011). The graph has 1,189,768 nodes,
29,760,300 edges, one component, with an average
degree of 50 and maximal degree of 4,411. The
results are shown in Figures 8 and 9. Similar
observations can be made. The advantages of ROBE
are even more evident
In this work we have proposed and investigated a
technique called ROBE, which is based a hub
containing representative nodes, bridge nodes, and
extension nodes. Graph compression techniques
including clique compression, chain collapsing, and
tentacle retracting are exploited in order to reduce
the size and overall computation for the hub.
If all eligible representative nodes are chosen,
our scheme has a zero miss rate. Otherwise, its miss
rate is still very low. It also enjoys a low error rate,
in addition to its short construction time and low
cost for shortest-path queries. We have detailed our
design and performed extensive evaluations of
ROBE with related schemes and experimented on
two real data sets. The results suggest that ROBE
can serve as a good candidate for shortest-path
computation in large social networks.
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