computation time are summarized in Table 1. Figure
8 shows the accuracy of each subject with all 47
subjects in all cases. The plots are presented in an
ascending order of recognition rate. It can be seen that
in this dataset, around 42 out of 47 video sets of
YouTube celebrities are recognizing really well.
Three of the datasets are too bad for recognition even
when we use all the frames for training.
In this paper, we proposed a volumetric directional
pattern (VDP) approach for robust and fast video to
video based face recognition. We developed a novel
algorithm that has the ability to extract and fuse the
temporal information for the analysis of facial
dynamic changes. By using two video sequences of
the same video scene per subject, we showed that our
method could achieve higher identification accuracy
than the state-of-the-art methods. In this paper we
also presented the effect of key frame technique in
terms of accuracy and speed.
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