fuel consumption reduced by the e-start, which is
approximately 10% (The Eco-Drive Promotion
Council, 2013), indicating that fuel economy can be
comparatively improved solely by the effect of
information provision without the necessity of
imposing rigorous driving rules.
Recently, many studies have been conducted to
assist drivers by providing information on fuel
economy of the preceding vehicle as well as safety.
However, it has been pointed out that providing
information on the vehicle running ahead of the
preceding vehicle is also necessary (Hao Yang and
Wen-Long Jin, 2014).
Therefore, this study used DS to give a
quantitative evaluation of the influence of providing
drivers with information on the
acceleration/deceleration of the preceding vehicle
and the pre-preceding vehicle simultaneously, on
fuel economy, visual recognition behaviors and
driving behaviors.
As a result, the possibility of an improvement in
fuel economy with this information provision was
indicated. Additionally, subjects who improved their
fuel economy tended to visually recognize the
acceleration information of the pre-preceding
vehicle more frequently compared to those who
reduced their fuel economy. In particular, visual
recognition of acceleration information of the pre-
preceding vehicle led to earlier detection of the
timing to start moving, by approximately 1.9
seconds. Additionally, provision of acceleration
information at start-up was confirmed to change the
driving behavior to be similar to that of eco-driving,
such as an increase in creeping time and a decrease
in acceleration pedal input. From above, the
effectiveness of provision of information on
acceleration/deceleration of a preceding vehicle
group to a following vehicle was indicated.
Issues in the future are to enhance data reliability
with a larger number of test subjects, and to clarify
further the influence of information of the
acceleration of preceding and pre-preceding vehicles
provided individually on the fuel economy and
driving behaviors.
The Eco-Drive Promotion Council http://www.
ecodrive.jp/eco_10.html (2013,March 28)
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