degree of quality of a given pixel is given by the inten-
sity of the corresponding edge. The reliability map is
then used to weight pixels during matching with tem-
The proposed technique is tested on a source cam-
era identification scenario using a data set of images
coming from 27 different cameras; results show a
notable improvement with respect to standard, non-
weighted matching.
The remainder of the paper is organised as fol-
lows. Section 2 first provides a brief overview of the
existing body of work about source camera identifica-
tion and SPN. Section 3 then describes the proposed
technique. An experimental assessment of the perfor-
mance of the technique is given in Section 4. Finally,
Section 5 concludes the paper with some insights on
future work directions.
In digital image forensics, it is often feasible to asso-
ciate various kinds of useful ancillary metadata to a
digital images. Examples are Exif data, image tags,
or text associated to the image (e.g., contained in the
same web page), etc.
Exif metadata (that is, a set of key-value properties
embedded in the image file, containing date and time
of acquisition, brand and model of the device, cam-
era settings and other information) has received much
attention by the community of investigators, since it
stores useful information about the device that pro-
duced the picture. From a forensic viewpoint how-
ever, the information provided by Exif metadata must
be taken into account with particular care; it can be
fairly easy, in fact, to modify, fake or remove it with
the help of image processing software (e.g., Photo-
) as well as with free tools available on the In-
ternet (e.g., ExifTool
A great deal of research has been conducted in
the field of digital camera fingerprinting in order to
provide a cue which is more robust and discrimina-
tive than Exif for recognising source cameras. To
this aim, researchers have exploited SPN (Kang et al.,
2012; Li and Li, 2012; Lukas et al., 2006), interpo-
lation artefacts caused by de-mosaicking filter (Cao
and Kot, 2009; Long and Huang, 2006; Popescu and
Farid, 2005) and JPEG compression (Sorrell, 2009),
traces of dust in the sensor (Dirik et al., 2008), or lens
aberrations (Choi et al., 2006; Van et al., 2007), as
possible fingerprints.
Figure 1: A portion of picture showing blue sky (left), and
the corresponding extracted SPN (right).
The Sensor Pattern Noise (SPN) (also known as
Photon Response Non-Uniformity - PRNU - in the
literature) is the pattern of the noise left by the sensor
element of the camera (Lukas et al., 2006), which is
due to the unavoidable small differences in light re-
sponse of each sensitive element (pixel). Differently
to the other aforementioned techniques, the SPN ex-
hibits the desired characteristics of uniqueness and
stability that make it a proper fingerprint of a cam-
era device. It is produced by the small imperfections
and differences among the sensitive elements (pixels)
that constitute an imaging sensor; these ultimately re-
sult in a deterministic pattern of small pixel intensity
variations that appear in the image, much like a noise
(Lukas et al., 2006). The SPN has been studied and
tested in various forensic tasks, e.g.: source device
identification (Chen et al., 2008; Fridrich, 2009; Kang
et al., 2012; Li and Li, 2012; Li and Satta, 2011; Li
and Satta, 2012; Lukas et al., 2006), forgery detection
(Chen et al., 2008; Fridrich, 2009; Li and Li, 2012),
source device linking (Fridrich, 2009), clustering of
images with respect to the source camera (Caldelli
et al., 2010), identification of the possible author of a
photo from its social network account (Satta and Stir-
paro, 2014).
A common way to extract the SPN from an image
P is by exploiting the additive noise model proposed
by Lukas et al. (Lukas et al., 2006):
= P − F(P) (1)
where n
is the noise residual and F is a de-
noising filter, which should ideally extract non-noise
(typically low-frequency) components of P.
Usually, SPN extraction is carried out in a trans-
formed domain (e.g., Fourier, Wavelet) as in such
domains it comes easier to separate high-frequency
components from the image. Most papers use Dis-
crete Wavelet Transforms, with Daubechies 8-tap
wavelet and scaling functions, as proposed in (Lukas
et al., 2006). In this case, Eq. ((1)) becomes:
= DW T (P) − F