parameter K is set to 50 and 100 superpixels, SP
performs with a higher recall and a lower underseg-
mentation error than the SP
method. Thanks to the
geometric information, our method exhibits promis-
ing segmentation results (Achanta et al., 2012) .
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generate superpixels on calibrated multi-view images
by introducing a geometric term in the distance in-
volved in the energy minimization step. This geomet-
ric information is a combination of a normal map and
a similarity map. Our approach enables to obtain ge-
ometrically consistent superpixels, i.e. the edges of
the superpixels are coherent with the edges of pla-
nar patches even when planes have similar texture.
The quantitative tests show that the proposed method
obtains a better recall and under-segmentation error
compared to the k-means approach.
In perspective, we have to generalize this work on
real images with meshes that do not respect the edges
of the planar surfaces. In order to go one step further
our next work will include a cutting process of the
non-planar triangles that compose the mesh. We will
also study the influence of the quality of the 3D point
cloud over the segmentation result.
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