show that the proposed method can deliver high qual-
ity foreground segmentation masks compare to the
ones of (Kammerl et al., 2012) and cloud to cloud
subtraction. We were able to eliminate the noise and
preserve only the moving person in the scene by im-
proving the approach of (Kammerl et al., 2012) in
algorithm 1. Results in the previous section also
showed that the accuracy of the foreground strongly
reflects on the accuracy of the ellipsoid. Noise in
the surrounding can provide misleading information
which does not help the monitoring process and even-
tually will result false interpretation of the behavior.
We were able to achieve a deviation less than 15%
from the ground truth in comparison to the other ap-
proaches, most of the time retaining a deviation larger
than 40% from ground truth. We also tried to filter
out these noisy blobs from the processed clouds using
different 3D filters but in all cases the resulting fore-
ground was very much affected by the noise in the
In the preprocessing steps, calibration was manda-
tory for maximizing reliability of the produced re-
sults. The internal parameters were mainly used for
generating the point clouds and also for projecting the
3D points on a binary image as discussed in section
2.3. Bundle adjustment was performed keeping the
internal parameters fixed in the convergence process
optimizing only the external values of the cameras.
Future research involves enhancing the quality of
the existing foreground so it remains invariant to noise
in the point cloud. This is an essential step because
the accuracy of the ellipsoid is highly dependent from
the accuracy of the foreground. Taking advantage of
the multi camera configuration, all data extracted by
each sensor could be fused in order to increase the
confidence and the quality of the foreground. More-
over, a multi camera approach could also handle mul-
tiple human instances in the scene and tackle the prob-
lem of occlusions. In terms of computational perfor-
mance, this would require having one computer per
sensor due to the amount of power required to man-
age all sensors simultaneously.
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experiment, containing several scenarios of everyday
situations in a wagon. This dataset will become pub-
licly available in the future, containing several RGBD
data from different scenarios, calibration parameters
for every sensor and benchmark information.
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