devices, the data collected from RFID passes at the
resort investigated here (Pulveriser), only provides
information about which lifts were ridden, there are
often many routes that can be taken from the top of
one lift to the bottom of another. Such data is
collected using High Frequency RFID enabled
passes and readers positioned at the bottom of each
lift. With over 200 million skiers worldwide and
many resorts adopting RFID ticketing solutions,
online offerings have been labelled the ‘evolution of
the skiing industry’. For the resort in question,
online statistics are currently displayed via a
dashboard that uses bar graphs, pie charts and tables
to show which lifts have been ridden and how many
vertical meters have been skied. Five of the nine
well known ski resorts in Australia currently have
RFID ticketing systems in place, with only one of
those providing access to personal statistics online,
which suggests a huge growth area in future years.
A visualization of a single lift ride was
developed using a filmstrip of different frames put
together in Photoshop to create an animation when
displayed in sequence on a web page, whereby
JavaScript was used to move through the frames. A
Google-Maps image was trialled for this
visualization but deemed unsuitable leading to the
resort map developed by James Niehues, being used
as the background for further tests. Further work
would involve expansion of the visualization created
as shown here, developing a method that could be
linked with resort data to dynamically produce a
visualization of multiple lifts ridden in varying
combinations, to reflect the actual course of a skier
throughout a day or given time period. The social
implications of such an action are particularly
relevant to the age group most interested in such
physical and social activities.
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